
YOGYAKARTA Mother's milk is the best food for the baby until at least the age of MPASI. But what if the mother is sick and breastfeeding her baby? Under certain conditions, it is best to continue breastfeeding, but there are exceptions.

Nutrients that babies need are in breast milk. During the first six months of her life, her needs were met from breast milk. Starting from water, fat, carbohydrates, protein, immunoglobin, and even cell decay. Breast milk also contains antibody that helps the baby fight disease, either a mother's disease or a disease experienced by the baby. Another reason to stay breastfeeding even though the mother is sick, as explained by Dr. Ann Kellams of the Academy of Breastfeading Medicine.

According to Kellams reported by Huffpost, the body sends a signal to produce less or more breast milk according to the calibration of how much breast milk your baby consumes. After delivery, usually only produces a little, but in the end, breast milk production will adjust to the amount your baby consumes.

When we are sick, we are all used to the idea of self-isolating to protect others. In the condition of breastfeeding mothers, it is most likely that germs of disease carriers have reached the baby. According to certified lactation consultant Catherine Watson Genna explained. Obviously, when the mother has symptoms the baby has been exposed. So before starting to feel sick, the body not only begins to make antibodies to fight the disease, but also begins to spread it.

"Antobodies will be channeled through breast milk that provides protection for babies," added Kellams. This also applies to vaccination. Parents' milk that has been vaccinated against COVID-19, for example. It turns out that it contains antibodies to the disease. By continuing to provide care, your baby can help keep them hydrated.

A sick baby needs comfort, fluids, sustainable nutrition. Unless the baby experiences vomiting and/or severe diarrhea. Well, if suddenly stops breastfeeding because the mother is sick, it can actually cause problems of its own.

Ideally,pih bayi perlu dilakukan secara bertahap selama beberapa ming atau bulan. Hal ini memungkinkan waktu tubuh Anda untuk mengurangi jumlah suksin yang dihasilkan. Jika berhenti menakan bayang karena Anda sakit, tubuh Anda pada akan tetap menghasilkan iksi dalam jumlah yang biasa dan berpotensi menyebabkan ramas membias dan rasa api, saluran ASI terbal, mastitis, hingga infeksi payudara.

There are several circumstances where you have to stop breastfeeding. Among other things, when receiving radioactive drugs or chemotherapy andCLous lesions are active in the breasts, says Kellams. If you're not sure, you should ask your baby's pediatrician. Meanwhile, if you need to take temporary medication that is not suitable for breastfeeding, you may be able to pump breast milk and dispose of it for the duration of your treatment.

The data shown by Kellams, explains that if a baby has an infection, the breastfeeding mother's body changes the composition of the milk and produces an increase in antibodies as a protector. Good things from other breast milk, this liquid is nutritious and protects infants and mothers from infecting bacteria. Furthermore, consult your health condition while breastfeeding. Including if sick, safe breastfeeding or not, it is necessary through a diagnosis from an expert doctor.

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