
YOGYAKARTA Lack of sleep at night has a bad impact on health and well-being. Generally, people need 10-20 minutes to fall asleep. Some people can take longer time. Can't even sleep or experience insomnia. How is the method to quickly sleep to overcome the difficulty of sleeping at night? Come on, follow the following method.

The first method for fast sleep at night comes from US military practice. Launching Medical News Today, Monday, December 5, the military method takes 2 minutes, the next minute holding the key to fast sleep. You do this, tightening and loosening the facial muscles with a relaxed tongue condition. Then, drop your shoulders down and let the arms relax on the side of the body.

Give it a breath, take a breath and exhale at normal speed while loosening the chest. Relax the thighs and lower legs, let the mind clear, and imagine a calming sight.

Realizing the breath, is one way to stay relaxed and cut the mind from jumping around. The breathing technique and progressive muscle relaxation can help people sleep. None of the fast sleep techniques guarantees a person will sleep within 2 minutes. But when the body starts to relax, the mind is calm, it will be easier to sleep.

Many health experts and psychologists recommend breathing techniques, in addition to improving welfare, also managing emotions. The 4-7-8 breathing method aims to use controlled breathing to help relax. First, start by placing the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth. Fully exhale through the mouth, make a sound of breathing.

Then close your mouth and take a slowly breath through your nose until the 4th count. Hold your breath for 7 counts and exhale completely through your mouth, make a breathful sound until the 8th count. Repeat this breath up to 3-4 times the spin.

Doctor Andrew Weil, recommends and initiates this technique. He said this breathing is a natural sedative for the nervous system. By doing so it becomes more effective and helps people fall asleep within minutes of mastering the technique.

Taking your breath is an easy but potentially effective breathing technique. The step, close your eyes and take a deep breath several times. Then, breathe naturally, don't make it slow or faster. Count every gust up to five and then start again. If you forget one count, repeat it again from the first count.

Progressive muscle relaxation is a popular technique for those who experience anxiety. This method can help a person fall asleep faster and gain better sleep quality. To do this technique, stretch each muscle group in the body before relaxing back consciously. Start with tension the facial muscles and then relax. Relax the muscles on the neck and shoulders. Then continue to relax all muscles, move down the body down to your feet.

In addition to how to overcome the difficulty of sleeping above, research results show that exercise can help a little. But avoid exercising near bedtime because it can interfere with your hours of sleep.

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