
YOGYAKARTA Cats spend more time a day sleeping. But because they are hunting animals and predators, each cat's sleeping position and it means showing interaction with the surroundings.

Cats are considered animals that are not completely wrong, but they are actually social animals. While sleeping, they tend to look for a warm place. The goal is to maintain warmth and body heat temperature. This is what makes cats sleep on your feet in a circular sleeping position. More complete, here's the cat's sleeping position and what it means you need to know.

If you keep cats at home, of course, they often sleep curling up like a ball of hair. Even the nose and tail can meet each other forming a circle. This sleeping position helps cats maintain body heat. In addition, in a circular sleeping position, cats protect vital organs in their stomachs with less essential muscles and bones and are more resilient.

The sleeping position is supine by showing the stomach and legs stretched, having a different meaning from other sleeping positions. Electively, cats position themselves by sleeping like this because they are protecting their vulnerable organs.

So when they sleep on their backs, it means feeling relaxed, safe, and confident. Even so, you don't try to brush your stomach. Because most cats will try to defend themselves when they are touched in the stomach area. For example by biting, kissing, or tapping.

If the sleeping cat is tilted with its legs stretched, it means they feel very comfortable. However, oblique sleep includes the way cats jump more easily, run, and respond to the movement around them. As hunting animals, the cat's sleeping position is healthy for them. Because this helps ensure safety and helps sleep well.

The sleeping position that resembles a piece of bread, they keep their front legs curved under their bodies with their heads facing up. This position aims to maintain body heat and protect their vital organs. In this position, they may be relaxed but also ready to act and use theirlaws if suddenly in danger.

When a cat sleeps with a focus on its stomach, or its pose is like a flying superman, marking comfort and relaxation. However, the behavior of the hunting animals is not always certain. Even though they relax they remain alert.

With this position, cats also protect the stomach. If this position is done in a warm place, it means they are helping save body heat. But when done on cold tiles, it means they are trying to cool off.

Cats are animals that interact with their closest subjects. If they sleep on your chest, most likely because they feel comfortable and full trust. It's the same as when cats sleep sitting near you, meaning this position gives them comfort.

When a cat sleeps on your feet, they keep your feet warm. But it may also be looking for warmth from you. In addition, they are also looking for a safe place to move easily.

Healthy cats will not choose a liter box as their bed. When they choose to sleep in a liter box, there are usually medical reasons, including urinary or digestive tract problems. If you find your favorite cat sleeping in the impurity box, immediately call the veterinarian to check.

The cat sleeps with open eyes, either fully open or partially, as they enter the REM sleep phase (rapid eye movement). REM is a stage where cats dream of, which is also experienced by humans. Although the sleeping position of the cat with half-open eyes is normal, you need to make sure there are no medical reasons or problems with the health of the cat.

Maybe this position is adorable, but when the cat does this sleeping position, it aims to isolate and provide warmth. The cat's foot soles can also act like a sleeping mask to block the light or disturbing dust. This is also often done by cats sleeping with other cats.

That's the cat's sleeping position and it means. This sleeping position, may make you excited, encouraging you to stroke or disturb your sleep. But the important thing is to pay attention, when the cat sleeps in a strange position and changes in behavior. If you experience it, it's a good idea to have a doctor or check on the safety for cats from disturbances around the house.

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