
Actress Kiki Amalia officially married a businessman, Agung Nugraha.

Their wedding took place at a hotel in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Sunday, November 27.

During the marriage ceremony procession, where Agung Nugraha performed the consent, Kiki Amalia seemed to burst into tears.

Kiki also revealed the reason for his crying.

"It's really sad because I've been alone for a long time, I haven't had a partner for a long time, then suddenly I have to leave my mother, right. So it's like that's the moment I can't stand for the most," said Kiki Amalia to the media crew on Sunday.

Kik said, during her widow she lived with her mother. With this marriage, the 41-year-old woman had to separate from her mother.

"Indeed, my mother is always with me every day, so because I am married to Aa (Agung Nugraha), I will definitely live with Aa and leave her. That's what really touched me, can't stand it," he said.

He said his mother had prepared to separate after learning about his wedding plans with Agung.

"But thank God he's a ridho, I'm sincere I have to carry out a new task as a wife," he said.

Apart from being touched by his marriage to Agung, Kiki also admitted that she was nervous before the contract process took place.

"Yes, I'm really nervous, right, I just felt like a virgin again, right. But thank God everything went smoothly, thank God," he said.

For information, the marriage with Agung Nugraha is Kiki Amalia's second marriage.

Previously, Kiki was married to footballer Markus Horison in 2010. The marriage ran aground in 2012.

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