
JAKARTA - A specialist specialist in obstetrics and pheomatical consultant gynecology from the University of Indonesia, Dr. dr. Rima Irwinda, Sp.OG(K) said there are a number of risk factors that have the potential to cause premature birth such as maternal characteristics, nutrition and pregnancy.

"The characteristics of mothers are related to age, smoking habits, and maternal psychological conditions. Meanwhile, risk factors are based on nutritional characteristics related to the body mass index (IMT), weight gain during pregnancy, eating habits, coffee drinking habits, and supplementation consumption," said Rima quoting ANTARA.

Rima then added risk factors based on pregnancy characteristics including history of childbirth, history of having twins, health problems during pregnancy, and history of ultrasound examinations.

Rima explained that the main thing that must be done is to provide education to support healthy pregnancy, consult with experts, and emphasize the importance of understanding the risk factors of premature birth.

The birth path can increase premature risk for mothers who have an abortus history (1.9 times more at risk), a history of premature childbirth (3 times more at risk), and a history of cesarean childbirth (2.9 times more at risk)," he said.

In addition, the age of mothers giving birth to less than 19 or more than 35 years, the external stress experienced by mothers, and the abnormal amount of acid can also increase the risk of preterms.

"One of the efforts to reduce the risk of premature birth can be done by taking into account nutritional needs through supplementation Omega 3, Zinc, Vitamin D3, or multi-micronutrient," said Rima.

According to research from the world health organization (WHO), 1 in 10 children are born premature. Every year it is estimated that 15 million children worldwide are born before their time (more than 3 weeks earlier).

In Indonesia, the 2019 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data shows that 84 percent of deaths in newborns in Indonesia are caused by premature birth.

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