
YOGYAKARTA In the KBBI, competition is a competition or a match to win the championship. Competitive competition when children are young, still considered recreation. But once they get older, children are faced with a reality full of matches. For example, in a ball game, to compete for a ball requires throwing, kicking, passing, and shooting appropriately. So what needs to be taught to teenagers about competition?

In football matches, as explained, there are many game techniques that are applied through training and training and training. In addition, in a competition, children need to know how committed, self-control, and cooperation work against other teams.

Different in sports competitions, in the academic field, children need to understand how the assessment system performs. When understanding it, children will prepare themselves by studying and preparing tests. After entering the criteria through an assessment system, children can achieve educational and job opportunities in the future.

Competition is not only in the field of sports and academics. In competitive living competition, children need to be introduced with independence and hone their life skills so that when they grow up they are qualified in competing. Launching Psychology Today, Tuesday, November 15, competition is not just defeating opponents. More than that, there are considerations that are more valuable than the matter of winning and losing.

According to Carl Pic Paluk, Ph.D., a psychologist and private counseling, in competition is also related to the fun of playing, going forward, inspiring each other, stimulating excitement, and getting enough of life.

Every teenager has their own skills. Among them there are those who are comfortable to compete, but there are also those who think competition is a motivation. Well, this motivation is also a skill to balance opportunities in a world full of challenges.

Competition is not just a matter of good and bad, according to Pic yours is more complicated than that. Competition needs to be understood as a way of creating opportunities. So, there will always be competition but who gets the opportunity has to take the first step. That is, to enter the competition requires effort. Even if you try not to always succeed, but if you don't play then you won't have a chance to win.

Furthermore, defeat can strengthen determination and confidence. As long as it erodes regret and sharpens motivation, the journey of the competition throughout life will be squeezed and get more satisfying results.

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