
JAKARTA - Happy news came from Aditya Zoni and Yasmine Ow. The couple who married siri in December 2021 had just been blessed with a son. Yasmine Ow gave birth to a boy named Zayn Serdar Enver Warman on Saturday, November 12 at the Bina Medika Bintaro Mother and Child Hospital, South Tangerang.

Then Aditya explained that his first son's name came from three different languages. Of the three languages, Arabic, Turkish and German. Then Warman is because my name is Aditya Warman, so his father's name is added," Aditya Zoni said at a press conference at RSIA Bina Medika Bintaro on Tuesday, November 15.

Furthermore, the younger brother of Ammar Zoni also revealed that his son's name means a good and wise leader.

"I hope Zayn will become a leader in the future. Whether it's for his family, for his younger siblings, for his country, his religion buqt," Aditya said as quoted from the YouTube Official Nit Not channel.

Aditya also revealed that the choice of the child's name had been considered first. Because he considered naming as something important.

"Because that name will be brought from the first day of birth in the world, to the last day we are in the world. That's why we have to really trust you, not carelessly. There is meaning and meaning," he said.

The choice of the name of the child itself has been thought by Aditya and Yasmine since the womb was four months old. After thinking many names, Zayn Serdar Enver Warman was chosen when the content entered the age of seven months.

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