
JAKARTA - Dermatologist Dr. Margaretha Indah Maharani Sp.KK said one of the reasons facial skin can be inflamed and sensitive is because the protection factor is not fine.

"In addition to changing immunity, the skin is like a fence, the fence is not okay anymore," he said.

According to Margaretha, the cause of this problem is divided into two large groups, one of which is the skin that becomes sensitive to congenital effects from birth such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. Then, skin types are actually normal but because lifestyles such as makeup or skin care are inappropriate and excessive, which eventually makes the skin sensitive easily.

In sensitive skin conditions, it is necessary to help to return the skin to its most optimal condition, namely by proper skin care.

"Skin barriers or skin sawar must be optimal in order to protect the body from exposure to pollution from outside, cosmetics containing alcohol, cigarette smoke," Margaretha quoted ANTARA as saying.

He recommends the use of facial cleansing or soap that makes it comfortable, restores skin moisture and has a softing effect or calms the skin.

"Don't forget to finish washing your face using a balancing toner to make your skin cool again. Don't forget to also choose skincare that provides nutrition," he suggested.

Margaretha also recommends the use of serums that have the ability to increase skin moisture while calming so that symptoms of irritation, itching and redness subside. In addition, don't forget to apply moisturizers or moisturizers, including those containing Ceramide components.

Margaretha said that the stress experienced by a person both physically and psychosomatically will affect the skin. This is also the reason skin is easily inflamed or easily breakouts.

"If the skin is not good, suddenly the acne is big, red, even though in other situations we don't have acne, only comodos. That's one of the characteristics of the skin that is experiencing stress," he said.

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