
JAKARTA - Historical Special Films are a shame to be missed ahead of Hero's Day, November 10. 3 historical-themed films that will be shown for viewers are the historical film Soerabaia45, November 1828, and the Hero of Goa Selarong will be broadcast on TV One.

The parade of this special film history is expected to increase information, become an educational and entertaining show for the community. The following is the synopsis of each film with the theme of Indonesia's struggle for independence.


The first film is the film Soerabaia '45 which is a historical film set in the era of proclamation during independence. The film was released in 1990 and directed by Imam Tantowi. A series of actors and actresses starred in this film such as Noman Swadayani, Leo Kristi, and Usman Effendy. The film Soerabaia 45 tells the story of war in Surabaya which is finally known as the November 10 event.

At that time the Proclamation of Independence had reverberated, but Indonesia's independence did not seem to be considered by the Japanese side. Indonesia is required to have its own Navy, Indonesia then seizes the bases in Surabaya from the hands of Japan. Efforts to strip and overthrow Japan were also carried out. However, the anger of the people of Surabaya that exploded when they learned that allied forces turned out to have a mission to return Indonesia to the Dutch side.

Resistance with weapons was also carried out until the killing of the leader of the British army in East Java. What is the story of the struggle of the Indonesian people? The film Soerabaia45 airs on Sunday, November 06, 2022 at 20.00 WIB.

November 1828

November 1828 film is a heroic drama film produced in 1979. In this film directed by Teguh Karya, Indonesian actors and actresses such as Slamet Raharjo, Rachmat Hidayat, El Manik, and Yenny Rachman showed their best acting. The film, which won seven awards at the 1979 Indonesian Film Festival, tells the story of an uprising from a group of villagers in Java who fought the Dutch East Indies colonial government.

This story begins with Kapitein Van Der Borst who is trying to find information about the hiding location of Sentot Prawirodirdjo, who is Prince Diponegoro's right-hand man. Der Borst did everything without eliminating human life. On the other hand, Sentot's followers set up a slick fight that could enter the entire Dutch defense and know their plans.

The peak of tension occurred when there was a conflict between Der Borst and Kromoliudiro, this happened to find out the location where Sentot was hiding. Der Borst forced Kromoliudiro to open his mouth, among others, by juxtaposing his wife and child who were still babies. The continuation of the story of Kromoliudiro and Der Borst in the November 1828 film can be seen Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 20.00 WIB.

Goa Selarong's Hero Film, Goa Selarong, which was released in 1972, was directed by Lilik Sudjio and played by Ratno Timoer, Rahayu Effendi, Iman Sutrisno, Kusno Sudjarwadi, FX Koesworo, Suwarijun, Wijaya, Puji Asri, Tuty Nilawardhani, and Sujudono HR. This film started with Prince Diponegoro's anxiety because of Patih Danurejo's actions which eventually caused the people to be miserable.

Until finally Diponegoro left the palace to join Sentot Alibasyah Prawirodirjo. The pressure grew bigger, Diponegoro's land in Tegalrejo was pegged to make a road, even his house was burned. Diponegoro and his followers then fled to Selarong Cave.

Finally, there were opponents against the Netherlands. This film shows a lot of patriotism of heroes which leaves many questions. All these questions will be answered on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 20.00 WIB.

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