
YOGYAKARTA - The term entrepreneur and entrepreneur are often heard in the business world or entrepreneur. Many think the two terms are the same. Although they both start with the word wira' and are related to business, both are different professions.

Entrepreneur and entrepreneurial differences lie in the focus of business, business ownership, to character or mindset. The word entrepreneur as a profession is known before the emergence of the term entrepreneur. Before knowing the difference between the two, it is necessary for you to understand the understanding first.

Entrepreneurship in general is someone who runs a business with its own capital, energy, and facilities, and bears most of the risks and enjoys the benefits of its business.

Personally, entrepreneurship can be interpreted as a person's ability to process creativity into an innovation to build a business.

According to Robbins and Coulter, academics and writers of economic books, entrepreneurs are an effort owned by a person or group to make businesses they run on the road in an organized manner. The purpose of the business is to create a market.

Meanwhile, according to the Directorate of Public Secondary Education (1982: 65), entrepreneurs are one type of job or someone who does work independently and is not determined by the superior, because an entrepreneur does not have a superior.

Personally, entrepreneurship is interpreted as someone who has the courage to behave, think, and act to create various jobs and pursue independent or unbound careers.

If you look at it, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs are like professions that have the same system of work. However, there are several things that distinguish the two. In today's era, the term entrepreneur is indeed more widely known than entrepreneurs.

One of the differences between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs is the focus of their business. An entrepreneur only focuses as a timeframe or part-time in running his business. In addition to doing business, usually an entrepreneur also works as an office employee with a monthly salary. For example, an office employee who has a restaurant or photography service business.

Meanwhile, entrepreneurs focus on using all their time to work on their business. An entrepreneur mobilizes all of his energy and time to build, manage, and develop his business, and is not bound by other parties.

Business coverage is also a difference between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs generally have wider business coverage, or do not only move in one business field. Entrepreneurs will usually run many business lines at once. For example, a decoration entrepreneur, he will also offer photography services, manten makeup, catering, and so on.

While entrepreneurs have smaller business coverage. Usually entrepreneurs only focus on one business sector because time and energy are limited, and their business knowledge is not as wide as entrepreneurs. For example, an entrepreneur who sells contemporary coffee drinks, he will sell that product only.

Another difference between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs lies in asset ownership. Both have differences in capital protection, role, and decision making rights in business.

Entrepreneurs are generally fully involved and active in the operation of the company or its business. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs usually cannot be fully involved in managing business. In addition, the capital is not as big as entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs also have differences in future planning. An entrepreneur has long-term thinking about his progress and business targets. In addition, entrepreneurs are also able to adapt and take advantage of the development of digital technology to support their business.

While entrepreneurs tend to only run their business normally, or without long-term targets. Usually entrepreneurs only focus on selling and earning profits per day or per month. Entrepreneurs usually have stagnant thinking and are easily satisfied with short-term targets.

That is the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship and their respective understandings. Both are both professions in running business or business. However, in terms of thinking and work systems, the two are different. Currently, the term entrepreneur is better known as entrepreneur.

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