
JAKARTA - There are six steps that can be taken to maintain the mental health of the elderly. Assistance can start by involving them in social relations with those around them.

"First, social connection is important. After all, social connection needs to be maintained so that they remain involved in either RT or what competitions, for example," said Psychologist from the Jakarta Regional Clinical Psychologist Association Mona Sugianto, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, October 29.

According to him, social relations are very good for the mental health of the elderly because they will not feel alone or neglected.

The second step, continued Mona, is that the elderly must also be made active every day. In this case, it is important to make a daily or weekly schedule so that they will not feel bored.

"It's great if we discuss. We as children make schedules, we give notebooks. Daily routines must be there, for example, eating, exercising, resting, sunbathing. For example, cat care or gardening," Mona said.

"Some are also weekly, for example for those in Jakarta who gather with friends in Ancol, on the beach and then they exercise in the morning. They can also swim, right it's really good for the elderly, especially if the road is still okay," he continued.

Then the third step is stress management. When parents are sad or stressed, Mona says families should try to entertain with the things they enjoy so that their sadness or stress doesn't drag on, for example by playing guitar and singing together if their parents like music.

The fourth step is good training and diet. According to Mona, this really needs to be considered, especially since the elderly usually have a taboo against certain foods due to their health condition.

"For example, usually if there are elderly people, whether they have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, gout, we really have to know. If you can't eat that contains a lot of sugar, don't give a lot of sugar, rice or carbage," said Mona.

Next, the fourth step is to ensure they have quality sleep. Mona also suggested the elderly have a dream channel, so they can record every dream they have.

"Sometimes the sleep pattern is disturbed by bad dreams or what goes according to the theme of his anxiety. And he sees that sometimes it's still late and sleepy but at 11 o'clock he wakes up and can't sleep, so his sleep hours must also be considered," he said.

He added that if it is difficult for the elderly to sleep at night, don't hesitate to ask what is the cause and then solve the problem.

"For example, it turns out that if someone is afraid to sleep that night because it is quiet, they are worried that later if he dies at night no one will know. So they have to know why, oh it means that his sleep must be accompanied, yes or sleep, there must be voices, or the door is slightly opened. So we need to be aware, "said Mona.

The last step, said Mona, is to ensure the elderly still have meaning and purpose in their lives.

"He still needs to have meaning and goals in his life. For example, what is the plan for oma and opa, later in the year all of his grandchildren are off, I hope you want to meet anyone again, that's it," said Mona.

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