
JAKARTA - People who are overweight or obese are advised to lose weight by cycling.

A specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation of Dr. Rumaisah Hasan Sp.KFR(K) said using a static bicycle or riding across the road benefits are the same.

"Cycling is an activity that does not burden the knee. That was why when people are obese when they want to do sports activities, we usually suggest starting with obesity management first," he said in a webinar of the Indonesian Doctors Health Facilities Association (HIFDI) entitled 'Sports: Healthy, Happy and Preservational', quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 23.

The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that one of the excess weight can be characterized by the results of body mass index (IMT) measurements which are in the range of 23-24.9.

IMT is more than that, which is 25-29.9 in the category of obesity I. While obesity II if IMT shows a figure of more than 30.

Rumaisah, who also serves as Chair of the Central Executive of the Indonesian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists (PP Perdosri), added that in addition to the risk of burdening the knee, cycling also prevents possible injuries to the joints and soles of the feet.

According to him, cycling on a static bicycle produces almost the same calories as those done outside, especially in groups with excess weight and obesity.

Stable and moderate cyclists can burn about 300 calories in 60 minutes.

According to a Harvard Health Letter report, people weighing 70.30 kg can burn as much as 298 calories in 30 minutes of cycling, if they pedal 12 to 13.9 miles per hour, equivalent to 19.31 km to 22.3 km per hour.

Rumaisah said that cycling is one example of recreational sports that are often occupied by people today. This exercise is useful, including strengthening the heart and lungs, burning body fat so that those who regularly cycle usually have a sleek body.

"Because it involves a lot of large muscles, it is easier to achieve ideal weight," he said.

Apart from cycling, treadmill exercises can also be an option for those who have excess weight.

"Because running or walking will injure the joints. Our target is to lose weight first to lower the weight on the joints. If it is used in the field to walk or do something else, this will provide a slight sign of danger for the joints," he said.

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