
YOGYAKARTA A stunning display can be obtained without spending a lot of money. This is known as looking minimal, minimal or not even wearing skincare or makeup. Are natural beauty without expensive skincare and makeup possible?

Of course, because skincare is used to keep skin optimal and healthy. While wearing makeup, often to increase self-confidence and requires qualified skills in applying facial makeup. If you want to be naturally beautiful without skincare, you can do the following simple tips.

quite hydrated is one of the important things that is often forgotten to look natural beauty. Because water contains H2O which has always been beneficial not only for the skin. But overall health.

In addition to maintaining skin moisture, just drinking is also refreshing, helping mentally clearness or staying focused, and helping to lose weight. So, try to drink 8 glasses or 2 liters of mineral water a day.

It's true to believe the saying You are what you eat. Eating healthy food can help you feel better. In fact, eating habits are in line with your mental and physical condition.

It is also important to avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar. Plus, choose fresh and whole foods that can refresh the body. It is also useful to maintain a mood, keep weight stable, and a good energy source.

Even if your eyebrows are thin, you can still look naturally beautiful without skincare. The recommendation is to maintain the thickness of your eyebrows. You can use natural ingredients that are useful for keeping your eyebrows from falling off. Some tips also recommend using aloe vera gel.

Skin conditions are also associated with endorphins and stress. endorphins are a happy hormone that triggers release with regular exercise. Regular exercise is also shown to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, fight anxiety, depression, and improve sleep quality. The good effect is further, keeping your skin look fresher and healthy.

Natural beauty without skincare and makeup can be done with simple steps. Not many know, updating the appearance of your hair also affects the whole look. This method also helps you increase your confidence.

Try to imagine that dirty nails and touching your face are two bad combinations of looking naturally beautiful without skincare. Try to keep your nails short if you're not tired of cleaning your nails. To look glossy, maybe you need a little effort. But by eating foods that keep your nails healthy and don't break easily, it can be done easily.

It sounds clich, but smiling is the cheapest makeup but produces unpurchased effects. Launching All Women's Talk, Monday, October 17, smiling makes you feel better. The natural beautiful way without powder is makeup on your face with a smile.

Well, naturally beautiful without skincare, basically maintaining beauty by paying attention to your mood and health.

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