
YOGYAKARTA The effect of energy drinks during exercise can replace lost fluids through sweat. Sufficient fluid intake can support muscle performance to be more optimal.

Energy drinks sold on the market are described as drinks that can increase energy and enthusiasm.

Energy drinks contain a large number of stimulant substances such as caffeine, amino taurine acids, or additional sweeteners, and additive substances. Therefore, it is not surprising that some people consume energy drinks during exercise in order to get additional personnel.

This drink can indeed increase productivity and concentration power to facilitate work, as a cold drink when exercising, as well as daily activities of people who drink it. However, if consumed excessively, energy drinks can actually have a harmful impact on the health of the body.

Energy Drinks Content

As mentioned above, in energy drinks, caffeine can stimulate brain performance activity and body nerve syste. Caffeine can make the body feel more powerful.

Most energy drinks have a fairly high level of caffeine, which is around 160-300 milligrams per packaging. This amount is 3-5 times greater than the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee or tea.

In fact, the maximum caffeine limit for adults is 400 milligrams per day. In addition, energy drinks also contain a high amount of sugar, which is about 40 grams. That is why energy drinks should not be consumed excessively.

So, what happens if an energy drink is drunk during exercise?

Energy Drinks Effects When Sports

Originally, energy drinks were different from isotonic drinks. Energy drink formulation is intended for caffeine and other stimulants. The formulation is expected to provide a rapid energy spike to theANGle, especially when it is finished doing sports or other heavy activations.

Quoted by VOI from Very Well Fit, the consumption of energy drinks is not actually designed to replace body fluids that are lost while exercising. This can be seen from the high level of caffeine in energy drinks.

So, do you need to consume energy drinks during sports? The answers vary.

The reason is, energy drinks can be needed and also not, depending on the intensity of the sport or how much activity is done.

If you do light exercise or under 60 minutes, you can simply drink water to replace the lost liquid. Energy drinks are not needed because they include high calorie drinks and contain a lot of sugar.

You have the potential to experience excess calories when consuming energy drinks while doing light exercise.

On the other hand, when exercising with high intensity, or over 60 minutes, tuuh will lose a lot of electrolyte through sweat.

To prevent dehydration, you need additional electrolytes. The reason is, electrolytes function to keep fluid levels balanced and support muscle performance.

Even so, you need to pay attention to the label of mobile drinks before consuming them. The recommended nutritional content in energy drinks is 6-18 grams of sugar in carbohydrate solutions of 3-6 percent and 80-160 milligrams of sodium. In addition, also pay attention to the content of electrolut and vitamins.

That is information about the effects of energy drinks during sports. Hopefully useful!

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