
YOGYAKARTA Bisul without eyes is one of the skin health problems commonly encountered in society. This skin disorder is also referred to as skin abscess. Called without eyes because this type of boil does not have a skin bubble that contains pus and is then interpreted as the eye.

In the medical world, boils are called pustula. The appearance of skin abscesses is caused by the presence of bacteria Staphylococcus aureus that infect follicles, pores where hair grows. In general, boils appear in several places such as the back, buttocks, thighs, armpits, necks, and even face.

The appearance of boils can be triggered by many things such as skin infection after shaving, unpreserved skin hygiene, and diarrhea. Even some sources say the appearance of boils is related to obesity.

Quoted from Detik, dr. Bribe Rendra, SpKK from Pondok Indah Hospital-South Jakarta said that there were two things related to the correlation of boils and obesity.

First, someone who is obese will sweat easily and this sweat will be trapped in the body's folding. If you don't keep your skin clean, bacteria will easily infect moist areas of the skin.

Second, the skin of people who are obese will be easier to experience friction, both between the skin and the skin with clothes, causing injuries and infections in the skin.

In general, the appearance of an eyeless boil is marked by the presence of lumps that are larger than acne. The size can even be as big as a peanut to the size of a golf ball. There is pain in the lumps and the color of the red rash to purplish.

In its development, in the middle of the lump there will be a white bump or eyes. But different in eyeless boils. Symptoms of this type of boil are as follows.

No need to panic if you have a boil. You can do the first few treatments to relieve these skin disorders as follows.

In addition to doing the first help on the boil, you can speed up healing with natural boil medicine, which is as follows.

Salt water will help kill bacteria around the boil. To do so, take warm water from the nails and mix a little salt. Compress it with a towel that has been soaked in warm salt water on the skin that is hit by a boil.

The betel leaf functions as an antiseptic so that it helps kill the bacteria that cause boils. The way to treat boils with betel water is to beat the glass and betel leaf and then apply it to the boil.

Quoted from Hello Sehat, one of the ways to cure boils by doctors is to give antibiotics such as amocisilin, ampisilin, Doksisiklin, levofloksasine. However, it should be noted that the purchase of antibiotics must be accompanied by a doctor's prescription.

That's information about eyeless boils. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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