
YOGYAKARTA Intermittent fasting or intermittent fasting is to limit eating based on time. This means that your meal time is limited while other times are not allowed to eat. Eating with a time limit, may be popular because it is widely referred. But is it useful for health in addition to helping you lose weight?

The fasting intermittent diet is not quite complicated. Everyone who lives it may eat calories enough with a time pattern. Some choose 16:8, which means 8 hours of eating sequentially and 16 hours for fasting. Intermittents are also carried out for 2 days a week and 5 days of eating normally. Because the meal time is limited, the menu consumed will also automatically be limited.

Intermittent fasting is related to the rate of the body's circular rhythm. Launching Medical News Today, Monday, October 3, the rhythm of sirkadian represents a 24-hour metabolic cycle in the body. Including naturally controlling the sleep-building cycle, blood pressure, mood settings, and hormonal balance.

Research proves that the longer you eat, starting from 12-15 hours a day, it can disrupt your sirkadian rhythm. In the end, it can increase the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. So, the main goal to carry out intermittent fasting is to eat with a time limit during the day by extending the fast period overnight.

The intermittent diet is referred to as a way to maintain health. fasting is done no less than 12 hours. Although fasting on this diet is minimally necessary for 16 hours. The positive effect is on health, as follows.

The findings from all studies show changes in cholesterol levels that are beneficial for human health. Intermittent fasting has the potential to lower bad cholesterol or LDL and triglycerides by increasing good cholesterol or HDL. If LDL increases the risk to the heart. This means that it requires a diet strategy to keep cholesterol levels good.

Intermittent fasting is a way to control daran sugar by reducing insulin resistance and increasing insulin sensitivity. That way, blood sugar levels and HbaA1C (reglicated hemoglobin) fasting lower.

Research was conducted in adult men with type 2 diabetes. By undergoing a diet intermittent fasting, the results of reports from participants show the potential for this diet as a therapeutic approach. This diet can reduce the need for insulin therapy.

Weight changes and body composition are one of the effects of a fasting intermittent diet. Some studies show weight loss between 3-7 percent on average for 8 weeks. This study also notes that it can reduce the composition of fat in the body.

fasting in a pattern of 14:10, or a meal time of 10 hours and a 14-hour fast, can affect the waist circumference, body fat percentage, and visceral fat.

A 2015 review, a total of 2,650 adult women showed that reducing calorie intake at night with an intermittent diet. Resting for longer periods of time at night can reduce inflammation or inflammation as well as the risk of breast cancer.

Research on 2,092 men over a 16-year period that underwent a reduction in late dinner could significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Besides being beneficial for health, the intermittent fasting also has risks related to increasing tasa hunger, mood worsening, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. However, because the benefits are good for health, it is necessary to do it according to the capacity of each body.

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