
YOGYAKARTA Psychosis is not a diagnosed mental illness, but is experienced by someone with mood disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Reducing the explanations of psychologist and psychoanalis Deborah Seriani, Psy.D., psychologically described as a dimensional experience that interferes with the ability to think, understand, understand, and feel.

Basically, psychologically makes a person lose the ability to understand and trust their own intersubjective experiences. This is related to contextual and social experiences with other people. According to data reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, September 29, as much as 1 percent of the entire population experience chronic neurological disorders.

In terms of terminology, psikosis or psychologicals comes from the Greek psychede which means'minds' and osis means 'unnormal conditions'. The two terms are used in the field of psychiatric science which indicates conditions are distant from reality. Or known as episodes of hallucinations, hallucinations, disorders of the mind, and thoughts that are not well organized.

Factors that cause psychosis disorders are not easy to understand. But based on research reports, someone who has a psychological disorder is associated with genetic, neurobiological, autoimmune neuropathy, psychological stress and the family environment.

Psychosis is also associated with several medical and mental health diseases, including mood disorders. More than 50 percent of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder may experience episodes of diporder. In addition, people who live with major depressive disorder, a total of 14 percent experience fantastic episodes. If you are someone who lives with mood disorders or is close to someone who is bipolar, identify the following symptoms.

These symptoms are an early stage of psychologicals, where there is a slight change in a person's feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and behavior. Someone who goes through this stage, may experience strange thoughts, feel isolated, have a hard time thinking, suspicious or fear of others, and stop caring for themselves. At this stage there are no hallucinations or hallucinations.

At the initial stage, the symptoms of psychosis were not clearly identified. It is clear when there is a drastic change in how to think, behave, and perceive contextual phenomena. In contrast to the acute stage, which psychological symptoms are more clearly visible. A person with an acute stage in episodes of hallucinations, hallucinations, irregular speech, or involvement in troubled behavior. This is considered a critical phase where treatment by experts and therapists is urgently needed.

At this stage, a person begins to recover frombarious episodes after receiving treatment, psychotherapy, and family support. Symptoms at this stage vary widely. During recovery, a person with psychological disorders takes better care of themselves. They learn to make plans, eat and sleep well, and learn how to deal with mood disorders.

Psychosis with mood disorders requires treatment from those closest to it. Or treatment from therapists, clinical psychologists, or psychiatrists.

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