
YOGYAKARTA One of the herbal medicines widely used for alternative medicine is cat ownership leaves. The choice is based on its efficacy that can treat health problems. However, there are a number of side effects of cat ownership leaves that will disturb your body.

Orthosiphon stamineus Benth is one of the native Indonesian plants that grows widely not only in Indonesia but in Southeast Asia and tropical countries.

This plant has many names such as kutum, spider flowers, crushed by a jung, cat ownership, koceng songot, and cat misai.

In Indonesia, cat shampoo plants are widely used for traditional medicines. In fact, scientifically, the cat ownership has a substance that serves as a healing agent.

Quoted from, cat ownership is antioxidant, antibacterial, hepatoprottive, anti-inflammatory, cytotocic, and antihipertensive. The benefits of the cat's comb leaves are as follows.

Cat ownership plants are turned out to be able to help clean the kidneys from toxins that come from food or drinks. In fact, many standard drug books issued by the health agency have officially recorded that cat ownership is used as a treatment related to cleaning and improving human kidney function.

The flavonoid, phenolic, and kacaic acid content that the cat's symptoms are capable of becoming a good anti-inflammatory to inhibit the formation of crystal acid-causing causes.

You can use cat ownership leaves to relieve arthritis (RA) rheumatoids caused by autoimmune reactions. This healing trait occurs due to high phenolic compounds and flavonoids in these plants so as to suppress autoimmune reactions in RA.

In the UK, catmen are used as isotonics that are able to provide health effects, one of which is reducing blood sugar levels. This occurs because cat ownership is able to control carbohydrates and sugar metabolism, fats and sugars, and amino acids and sugars to be more stable.

Kumis kucing can be a good anti-inflammatorium so as to relieve swollen gums due to physical trauma or toothache. In addition, the antibacterial properties of the cat's mandate also accelerate the healing of infected gums.

Hingga saat ini efek samping daun kucing belum ditemukan secara pasti. Meski demikian Anda dibaikkan untuk mengendalikan dosis konsumsi daun sinda kucing agar tak terjadi hal-hal yang tak diinginkan.

The doses applied to each person are also different depending on the health condition. However, in some conditions, the consumption of herbal medicine must also be controlled. For example, pregnant women or in the elderly who are very bitter.

Quoted from WebMD, people who are not advised to consume the extract of the catmas are as follows.

You are also advised not to consume cat ownership if you are taking lithium-containing drugs because the diuretic substances in the cat's comb will make the body dispose of more fluids but find it difficult to dispose of lithium in the body. On the other hand, excess lithium in the body will have a negative impact.

That's information related to the benefits and side effects of cat ownership leaves. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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