
YOGYAKARTA Itching skin when sweating can be caused by a reaction to an increase in body temperature. Besides being able to also be caused by sweat or eczema. However, if the body suddenly itching all over the body for no reason except after activities that make you sweat, it may be caused by cholinergic urticaria.

Cholinergic urticaria is recognized when itching appears and red spots appear on the skin appear. This condition is a reaction to the increase in body temperature. It can also be experienced when you are nervous, exercising, or just hot weather.

Launching WebMD, Monday, September 26, it is not clear what causes itchy skin when sweating. Several pieces of evidence suggest, cholinergic urticaria may be due to the nervous system for its allergic response to sweat.

It is also necessary to identify discrepancies in cholinergic urtics with other conditions. Because itching on the skin is also often experienced by someone who has eczema, allergies followed by fever, drug or food allergies, or a cold allergy.

In certain cases, someone with cholinergic urticarial is in mild condition. But there are also those who get this condition more serious and life-threatening. More specifically, the symptoms of colinergic urticarial are known to have symptoms, including:

Gathal has a colinergic urticaria, it feels amusement and warm. Thisching is usually a small red lump with flares or circles around it. Itching can be felt all over the body, such as the chest, face, upper back, and arms. Sometimes, this condition is known as mildew but not due to food or medication allergies. Usually, itching is experienced for 30 minutes to two hours and then itching disappears.

In unusual conditions, colinergic urticarial is followed by diarrhea, a lot of saliva production, headache, dizziness, faster heartbeat, and stomach cramps.

Cholinergic urticaria, caused by neural fiber in the sweat gland. The skin will react to heat when the body temperature rises. It may also be triggered by bathing in warm water, sweating from exercise, or being in a hot climate. Sometimes, wearing a tight and sticky rubber bandage can also trigger this condition.

In addition, anxiety and anxiety encourage the skin to feel itchy for no reason. Some people experience a collinergic uric acid because they eat spicy and hot foods.

To confirm the diagnosis, those of you who experience symptoms need to see a dermatologist. Several diagnostic steps are carried out by the doctor, including digging for information about symptoms, asking the patient to run for sweat, then checking the body's response to the trigger.

How to prevent itching all over the body for no reason, namely by doing activities gradually. For example, if cardio exercise makes you sweat more, then you need to change other types of sports.

The second way to anticipate this is by cooling the skin after sweating. For example, by taking a cold shower and wearing loose clothes with comfortable fabric fiber. The third way to prevent a collinergic uric acid, by managing stress and avoiding annoying situations.

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