
YOGYAKARTA Face acupuncture has existed for centuries in ancient Chinese culture. They use acupuncture as a traditional medicine. In addition, acupuncture is also carried out on a face that is useful for reducing wrinkles and fine lines of aging.

Acupuntur is a practice of integrative treatment involving skin stabbing or tissue with small and thin needles at certain analytical points. Launching MindBodyGreen Lifestyle, Monday, September 19, facial acupuncture is an acupuncture performed on the face. Just like acupuncture that focuses on the body, in Eastern culture, this practice has also been carried out for hundreds of years. In recent years, facial acupuncture practices have also been carried out in the West.

According to Cyntia Gorman, MS, L Ac, New York City-based acupuncturer, many people are increasingly concerned about the health of their skin. Many clients came to Gorman to look for natural alternative injections.

One study showed the efficacy of facial acupuncture in treating nasolabial folds and eye wrinkles in participants in their 20s to late 70s. This study concludes that facial acupuncture can improve performance. Researchers say acupuncture technique is a safe and effective method for improving facial conditions.

Another study showed how effective acupuncture is as facial 'cost'. More specifically, it can increase facial skin elasticity. The results of the study showed a significant increase in women's facial skin aged 40 to 59 years after acupuncture five times.

Experts suspect the practice of acupuncture can reduce fine lines and wrinkles by triggering several different mechanisms on the skin. According to celebrity subscription holistic beauty expert Tammy Fender, acupuncture works by supporting the release of tensions on the facial muscles. In addition, facial acupuncture can also encourage circulation, refresh again, produce collagen, and overcome the appearance of fine lines.

Gorman explained in detail how facial acupuncture works. According to him, needles create a vasodilatation effect around the insertion site. Then the effect increases blood flow circulation on the face. This blood flow contains red blood cells, white blood cells, oxygen, and other natural nutrients to help the skin be brighter and more radiant.

Micro trauma from injections of acupuncture needles, triggering the body to accelerate cell turnover. This makes dull skin brighter.

In addition to studies showing the benefits of acupuncture, WHO also recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for 28 conditions, including neck pain, back, and several types of allergies. Another benefit of acupuncture is explained by acupuncturer expert Snow Xia, L.Ac. He said, acupuncture can improve the body's ability to heal, increase blood circulation. Even acupuncture helps relieve pain, balance hormones, and triggers parathetic nerves to improve mood, digestion, and sleep.

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