
YOGYAKARTA - Fish eyes are one of the most common skin conditions, often due to recurrent friction or pressure in certain areas. Usually, fish eyes are more common in the feet, but these conditions can also appear in the hands, especially if there are activities involving continuous pressure on the skin of the hands. This article will discuss the causes, symptoms, and how to deal with fish eyes in your hands so that you can manage these conditions better.

Fish eyes form as a natural response of the body to protect the skin from pressure damage or repeated friction. When this pressure occurs consistently, the skin layer will thicken to avoid irritation. In the hands, fish eyes can appear on the fingers or palms of the hand, especially if your daily activities put pressure on the area.

Some of the characteristics of fish eyes in the hands include:

Causes Of Fish Eyes In Hand

There are several activities that without realizing it can trigger the appearance of fish eyes in your hands. Here are some of the causes you need to know:

For those of you who often write or draw, the pressure of repeated stationery on the skin of the hands can cause fish eyes. Usually, the middle finger, index, or thumb is the part most susceptible to exposure.

Activities such as weightlifting can also cause repeated friction in the palms, especially if you don't use protective gloves. This pressure eventually triggers thickening of the skin which leads to the formation of fish eyes.

For guitar players, continuous friction between the fingers and guitar strings is the common cause of fish eyes. Not only fish eyes, guitar players are also at risk of developing tendinginitis if their fingers are not given enough rest time while playing.

Jobs that involve intense use of hands, such as carpenters or construction workers, also have a high risk of experiencing fish eyes in their hands. This activity often involves repeated pressure on the skin of the hand that triggers thickening.

How To Remove Fish Eyes In Hand

Fortunately, fish eyes in the hands can be overcome with simple steps, especially if conditions are not too severe. Here are some methods that can be tried:

Soak your hands in warm water for 510 minutes. This method helps soften the hardening skin, making it easier to overcome with subsequent treatment steps.

Use existing moisturizers such as salicylic acid, urea, or amonium lactic. These ingredients are effective in softening the thickened skin and helping accelerate the skin regeneration process.

Once the skin softens, use a floating stone or nail thinker to erode the hard part of the skin. Care slowly with directional movements so as not to hurt the skin. However, this step is not recommended for diabetics or those with sensitive skin.

If the fish eye hurts, try compressing it with cold water for 10'20 minutes. The cold compress helped reduce pain and swelling in the area.

Warning And Medical Advice

Although there are various ways to deal with fish eyes in your hands, avoid trying to cut or remove fish eyes with sharp objects. This can increase the risk of infection. If you have sensitive skin conditions or certain diseases such as diabetes, you should consult your condition with a doctor to get proper treatment.

If fish eyes show signs of infection such as redness, pus, or intense pain, immediately go to the doctor. In some cases, doctors may recommend medical action such as minor surgery to remove fish eyes.

So the conclusion is that fish eyes in the hands are conditions that can occur due to daily activities that put repeated pressure on the skin. By recognizing the causes and symptoms, you can take appropriate preventive measures or treatments.

Soaking hands, applying moisturizers, or using floating stones is an effective simple way to deal with fish eyes in your hands. However, if this condition does not improve or shows signs of infection, immediately consult a doctor for further treatment. With proper care, you can keep your hands skin healthy and free from the fish's eyes.

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