
JAKARTA - Every year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gives awards for feature films produced outside the United States, most of which contain non-inggris dialogue. Indonesia itself has participated in the Academy Awards for the Best International Feature Film category since 1987.

The film Nagabonar, directed by MT Risyaf with the main players Deddy Mizwar and Nurul Arifin, is the first Indonesian film to be sent to the Academy Awards.

"However, so far it has never succeeded in bringing home the Oscars from competitions that are followed by films around the world," said Ilham Bintang, a member of the 2022 Indonesian Oscar Selection Committee in a release Tuesday, September 13.

This year, the film Neeri-Ngeri Sedap was selected to represent Indonesia to take part in the 95th Academy Awards competition for the International Feature Film Award category.

Geri Negeri Sedap is the second comedy genre film from Indonesia selected by the 2022 Indonesian Oscar Selection Committee for the Academy Awards which will take place on March 12, 2023.

The committee consists of nine film leaders, namely Deddy Mizwar as chairman, Zairin Zain as secretary and Armantono, Cesa David Luckmansyah, Garin Nugroho, Ilham Bintang, Niniek L Karim, Slamet Rahardjo, and Yadi Sugandi as members.

According to Deddy Mizwar, there are various requirements that must be met by a film to be able to take part in the Oscars, among others, films have been shown in cinemas for a week in a row, and dozens more technical requirements.

The committee he leads works within a month's deadline, including for the determination of the committee's choice of films.

To determine the selected films that will take part in Oscars, the Committee will show films selected specifically at Studio XXI at Plaza Senayan, starting Monday, September 12, morning to evening, then followed by a jury discussion.

Only Garin Nugroho and Yadi Sugandi were absent from this discussion. Seven of the other nine acclamationally decided to choose the film Ngeri Sedap representing Indonesia in the Oscar Cup.

"This is the maximum produced by the Oscars Indonesia selection committee, the rest let's pray together so that this year the film can be victorious in the Oscar event," said Deddy.

Keri-Ngeri Sedap is directed and written by Bene Dion Rajagukguk. The story is based on the life of the Batak family who is experiencing disruption in modern life.

The film stars Arswendy Beningswara Nasution, Tika Panggabean, Boris Bokir Manullang, Gita Bhebhaita Butar-butar, Lolox, and Indra Jegel. Keri-Ngeri Sedap got more than 3 million viewers.

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