
YOGYAKARTA Dermatologists recommend washing their faces twice a day, in the morning and after their activities before resting. But, which one uses warm water better than cold water?

The water temperature for face washing has a big impact on skin color and texture. According to Rachel Nazarian, MD., dermatologist at Mount Sinai, washing your face with warm water is better for the skin with aRosacea and atopic or eczema dermatitis. But not all results are good if you wash your face with warm water.

The temperature of hot water, of course, should be avoided because it can reduce the skin's natural moisturizer. The effect is that the skin can dry and be inflamed from time to time. Recommendations of the American Academy of Dermatology reported by Byrdie, Sunday, September 4, the water temperature is not too hot and not too cold at best. Plus Susan Masscik's advice, MD., a board-certified dermatologist at the University Wexner Medical Center, confirmed that the temperature of steam water will not reduce skin moisture.

Although the nails are good, cold water is no less good. Especially when the face is acne, washing your face with cold water can help overcome irritation due to acne. In addition, cold water can reduce swelling in the morning after waking up. However, washing your face at night after activities are not effective with cold water. Because cold water is not effective in washing bacteria and pollutants compared to warm water.

If you wash your face not clean, you can actually trap dirt, bacteria and oil. Plus, if you live in an environment with high temperatures, washing your face with cold water can make your skin uncomfortable. So under what conditions can you wash with cold water or warm water?

Dematologists agree that warm water is best for washing your face. But cold water can be fun if applied in the morning after washing your face with warm water. Well, what needs to be avoided is washing your face with hot water. Hot water can widen blood vessels and absorb skin natural oil. The skin will look red later.

In addition to using the right water temperature, you also need to use abrasive facial soap. That is, choose facial soap that works gently and meets the specific needs of your skin. Like for oily skin, use facial soap with salicicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. As for sensitive skin, use cream-based cleaning to avoid irritation or drought.

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