
JAKARTA - Andmesh Kamaleng sings back the song If You Come, by the legendary Indonesian band, Koes Plus. This song was chosen by Falcon Pictures as the original sound track for the film titled Miracle In Cell No. 7. The film, which is a remake of this South Korean box office film, will air in all Indonesian cinemas on September 8, 2022.

Andmesh admitted that he was very happy when he was first offered the soundtrack for the film Miracle In Cell No. 7. "Andmesh immediately accepted this offer. Because Andmesh had already watched the original version, and the film was very good," he said when met in Duren Tiga, Wednesday, August 24.

Done with all my heart, Andmesh revealed, did not encounter any difficulties during the recording process. "The recording process is quite fast, yes, it's just that from the short time we use, we really put our feelings, put our hearts in a simple song and we make it really heartbreaking. Because, before singing I was told the scene how to sing the song later what part and there I imagine while singing with feelings, and really adjust the scene that has been in the previous brief, "he said.

Andmesh also admitted that he really enjoyed every process in working on this soundtrack. "Honestly there is no burden, everything that is done is carefree and with the heart, Andmesh sure will reach the heart," he said.

Andmesh hopes that the song he brings can give something to the scene in the film Miracle In Cell. No 7. "Hopefully, especially the scene that will be aired together with this song, can arrive, can get it and can be a color in the scene that will appear. along with this song. Hopefully this song can be known with Andmesh's version too, and the public can accept this new song with a new taste. Coincidentally Andmesh and Opung really put a lot of feelings into this song, didn't improve much, not much weird, we just really... really make it simple and hopefully many will like this song, which is made simple, but full of taste and full of love," hoped Andmesh.

In addition to presenting Andmesh as the soundtrack singer, the film Miracle In Cell No 7 also features well-known actors and actresses such as Vino G Bastian, Grace, Indro Warkop, Tora Sudiro, Indra Jegel, Rigen, Denny Sumargo, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, and Marsha Timothy.

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