
YOGYAKARTA – It's nice when the small garden in front of the house produces healthy food and drinks. One of the interesting plants to grow at home is oranges. Launching the University of Texas page, orange flowers can be beneficial for health when brewed into tea.

Citrus plants with the scientific name Citrus spp., require special care so that their flowers develop into fruit. However, the flowers can be enjoyed in a unique way. By brewing orange flowers using hot water, the good content can be absorbed by the body.

Orange flower tea is an herb that is safe for consumption. When brewed, it has a slightly bitter taste and a faint sweet taste. Based on scientific studies, drinking orange flower tea can overcome insomnia, anxiety, and as an anti-inflammatory.

Orange blossoms have a very refreshing aroma. When distilled, as reported by Mind Body Food, Wednesday, August 24, it can be used as an alcohol-free fragrance. As is the custom of French women who apply a few drops of orange flower fragrance behind the earlobe and wrist.

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Illustration of the benefits and efficacy of orange blossom (Pexels/Wendy Aros-Routman)

In addition, orange flowers are also used as traditional medicine in France. Plus, orange flower water is used as a toner to remove makeup or applied in the morning after waking up.

Another benefit, orange flower water is beneficial for nails. This citrus flower water can encourage nail growth and keep it clean. Not to mention the benefits to keep hair strong and shiny. Plus efficacious refreshing underarm aroma when applied as a natural deodorant.

To deal with stress and anxiety that cause insomnia, you can brew two tablespoons of orange blossom water into a glass of water. This can calm the mind. Besides, it can also relieve headaches and menstrual pain.

A nursing study conducted in 2021 and published in the Complementary Medicine Journal, found that smelling orange blossom essential oil was an aromatherapy method for managing anxiety in older adult patients.

Extracted orange blossom, otherwise known as citrus auratium, contains potassium, sodium, nitric acid and citric acid. When drinking orange flower tea, reported by Body Carre, it is recommended not to exceed 3 drops of orange flower water three times a day. The safest, drink once a day with a mixture of honey or fruits such as lychee. In order not to risk making an upset stomach, drink it after eating.

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