
YOGYAKARTA – Excessive salt or sodium intake is associated with many negative health risks. Many experts advise limiting salt intake in daily dishes, to at least a maximum of 2.3 grams a day. According to studies, too much sodium in the blood can cause immune cells in the body to produce less energy.

When immune cells don't work as well as they should, it results in decreased immunity. Quoting Verywell Health, Thursday, July 28, consumption of a lot of sodium is associated with high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The most recent study shows that there is a potential for lowering the immune system when eating a lot of salty foods.

The study stemmed from the fact that most Americans eat nearly 50 percent more salt than recommended. Although the consumption of salt in the diet can balance excess body fluids, or maintain heart and nerve function, it is dangerous in increasing blood pressure.

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Illustration of the effect of consuming too much salt or salty food (iStockphoto)

Another effect of consuming a lot of salt over the safe limit for daily consumption can cause blood serum sodium levels to become too high. As a result, sodium can build up where it shouldn't, such as inflammation in the body. Because immune cells play a role in the body's inflammatory response, this can ultimately affect how well those immune cells function.

In supporting the immune system to work properly, it is necessary to have a sufficient intake of certain nutrients. Like vitamin C, get enough rest, stay hydrated, and don't eat too much salt.

The study, published in the journal Circulation, highlights that past data have shown higher sodium concentrations in the blood affect the activation and function of cells that play a role in immune system function. From these findings, the researchers showed that immune cells are negatively affected by too much sodium. This condition occurs when salt inhibits the production and performance of enzymes that play an important role in the respiratory chain. This then causes the cells to use less oxygen. In turn, it impacts cell health.

The negative effects of eating a lot of salt can be experienced when too often. The results of the analysis of studies show that the negative effects of salt intake can occur after one high-salt meal. However, this effect did not last long.

Interestingly, excessive salt intake is not realized from the consumption of processed foods, not adding table salt to food. So, instead of stockpiling processed foods in the refrigerator, it's better to process fresh ingredients so that salt or sodium intake is controlled. Also, if you eat at a restaurant ask for sauce or soy sauce and extra flavors to be put on the side so you can use it to a minimum.

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