
JAKARTA - Dermatologist dr. Ika Ayu, M. Biomed (AAM) explained that 11-year-old children can already be introduced to skincare, but with a light content.

“For example, if you are 11 or 12 years old, you can introduce something light first. For example, face wash soap that is in accordance with his age. What is certain is that the pH is low or balanced," explained Ika, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 26.

“Sunblock is also mandatory. Especially those who have reached puberty. Even though I don't have an ID, I'm still 12 years old but it's already greasy. So very important. Minimum SPF 30," he added.

Ika explained, in addition to these products, children aged 11 to 15 years do not need other skincare products. Because, the content of other products such as night cream is not needed for the skin type of children with that age range.

"For the use of night cream and others, children of that age don't need it, for sure. It's probably over 26 huh. If you are underage, the first thing to do is introduce light skincare, "he explained.

Therefore, Ika reminded teenagers not to just follow the existing skincare trends. Before buying skincare, they need to know in advance their respective skin types. If you carelessly use skincare according to existing trends, it can cause skin problems. Moreover, children with an age range of 11 to 15 years are still relatively vulnerable.

“Before we buy skincare, the first thing we have to know is our skin. Knowing the skin is very important. Because there are various types. Don't follow your friends or don't follow Korean artists. Because your skin is not necessarily the same as theirs,” said Ika.

“Besides that, Indonesian skin and Korean skin cannot be compared. Especially Caucasians. Regardless of what's trending out there, we have to come back to ourselves. Because it doesn't necessarily fit," he continued.

Finally, Ika also reminded to buy facial care products that are really needed by the skin. Thus, the treatment will be more optimally absorbed by the skin.

"Second, you must know the contents. Do we need? For example, age 17 to 21 years. Is it necessary to use anti-aging? So in addition to the type, adjust the needs also according to age, "he concluded.

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