One Of The Actors Confirmed Positive For COVID-19, Variety Show "2 Days & 1 Night Season 4" Temporarily Suspended
Artist Kim Jung-min. (Photo: Instagram @79jongmin)


JAKARTA- The shooting of the variety show "2 Days & 1 Night Season 4" had to be temporarily suspended. The reason is, one of the actors, Kim Jong-min, is reportedly positive for COVID-19.

Kim Jong-min initially experienced a mild sore throat on the set of "2 Days & 1 Night Season 4" on July 22. Then, he underwent a PCR test and got a positive result on July 23 local time.

Apart from Kim Jong-min, all the other cast members were tested negative using self-test kits, Soompi reported via Antara.

"On July 23, our artist Kim Jong-min was diagnosed with COVID-19. On July 22, Kim Jong Min developed symptoms of a mild sore throat on the set of '2 Days & 1 Night'. He also used a self-test kit and got a positive result, " said the agency JG Star.

"Therefore, he underwent a PCR test on the morning of July 23 and it came back positive."

"In accordance with the guidelines of the government's health authority, Kim Jong-min has currently suspended all activities and is focusing on treatment in self-quarantine," he added.

Previously, Kim Jong-min was also known to have experienced COVID-19 in February. At that time, Kim Jong-min also immediately stopped all his activities and underwent self-isolation.

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