
JAKARTA - At the peak of the National Family Day (harganas), the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) highlighted that adolescents in Indonesia who experience mental emotional disorders continue to increase every year and become a serious threat in developing a quality nation.

"Our teenagers are not only in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, but throughout Indonesia, around 9.8 percent have mental emotional disorders," said Head of the BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo at the Peak of the 29th National Price Event in 2022 at the Yogyakarta Special Region, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, June 29.

Hasto emphasized the three main threats that can affect the formation of a quality nation, namely stunting in children (stunting), emotional mental disorders and disabilities and narcotics, psychotropic substances and addictive substances (drugs).

Based on the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data, 9.8 percent of teenagers in Indonesia have been affected by mental and emotional disorders. This figure continues to experience a significant increase, whereas previously the number only reached 6.1 percent in 2013.

Meanwhile, based on data from the World Health Organization 2019, one in eight people or 970 million people worldwide suffers from an emotional mental disorder.

The increase in mental disorders will affect adolescent behavior and need serious attention from all parties. Because, bad and brutal behavior can be formed in teenagers, such as being easily provoked or acting criminally.

Hasto continued that apart from mental disorders in teenagers, another thing that needs to be highlighted is the incidence of divorce which also increases sharply every year.

Based on statistical data in 2015, the divorce rate was around 350,000 family couples who divorced. However, in 2021, divorces in Indonesia will increase to 580 thousand.

"So there are 580 thousand (families) broken homes. There may also be children from families who end up getting less attention because their parents have to separate,” said Hasto.

Thus, he emphasized that the state needs to help every individual in society to build a quality family in order to realize the creation of a superior and advanced young generation.

On the 29th National Family Day with the theme "Let's prevent stunting so that families are stunting free", Hasto said that the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DI) is one of the provinces that can prove the importance of preventing children from being affected by mental emotional disorders through its low prevalence of stunting.

DI Yogyakarta, said Hasto, can be an example for other regions because it implements very good mutual cooperation to tackle stunting, so that it is included in the three provinces with the lowest prevalence rates along with Bali and DKI Jakarta.

“Yogyakarta is also the region with the highest achievement for participation in the Simultaneous Family Planning Service of a Million Acceptors. The achievement of acceptors in Yogyakarta exceeded the target, by more than 200 percent," he said.

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