
JAKARTA - The sons and daughters-in-law of senior actress Rima Melati, Aditya Tumbuan and Marisa Tumbuan, shared stories of remembering the star as a humble person. The kindness of Frans Tumbuan's wife was revealed from the story of his mother's best friend.

"I heard from friends, mama's friends. Mama is a very, very good person. Yes, she often helps people, helps people," said Aditya remembering his mother at the Sentosa Funeral Home at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Thursday night, July 23.

He added that during her lifetime, Rima Melati was a role model not only for her family but also for her friends.

"All Alhamdulillah, good stories about mother. So everyone who came to the hospital spoke positively. She always helps people, always cares for people. So maybe that's her message for us. The message is yes to us children that it is obligatory to imitate mothers," he said.

Another memory shared by Marisa when she prepared the last birthday party for her in-laws, she admitted that her heart was moved because of the many new stories from Rima's friends who told of the actress's active role as an artist.

Starting from his friendly habits to helping in theater performances, the nation's children were able to perform in the Netherlands in the past.

The stories are interestingly obtained not from the father-in-law directly but through the narrative of his friends.

"We learned a lot of things, it turns out that Mama had made a theatrical performance. The Koma theater in the Netherlands used to be, she even helped make the script in Dutch. That's something new for us too," said Marisa in an amazed tone telling the figure rhyme.

Rima Melati is indeed known as one of the senior figures in the Indonesian entertainment industry and has had a deep impression on many artists including musicians and filmmakers, she is increasingly recognized for winning various film awards both domestically and abroad.

Apart from being modest, in her last moments fighting complications of infection, Marisa sees Rima as a warrior figure because even though she is no longer young she is still trying to fight the disease she suffers from.

He had to undergo therapy which had a great effect on his body but he continued to do so in order to return to normal health.

"Several times the mother dropped, but finally stabilized again, dropped again, so she was indeed a fighter. And it was proven at that time, my mother had cancer and finally managed to become a cancer survivor," said Marisa remembering her mother-in-law.

At the age of 83, Rima Melati had to take her last breath at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital after undergoing intensive treatment.

Doctors stated that Rima had heart failure after battling infectious complications ranging from back infections, lung infections, and finally kidney infections.

The family of senior actress Rima Melati plans to bury the actress at the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU) on Sunday, June 26.

Aditya Tumbuan, the son of Rima Melati, said that the family had not determined the time of the star's funeral because they were still waiting for Henneke Adinda Tumbuan to return to Indonesia.

"Most likely it will be confirmed tomorrow, waiting for my sister who is in Germany, looking for a ticket to go home. Most likely it will be Sunday in Tanah Kusir, I don't know the time yet, please be patient, there will be information from the family," said Aditya.

Furthermore, the late Rima Melati is now buried at the Sentosa Funeral Home of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Cambodia and there will be several services in the Christian religious procession to take the actress to her final resting place.

Aditya also mentioned that his mother would be buried after going through the coffin closing worship procession which was carried out together with his relatives and relatives.

The family also hopes that the community can forgive and pray that Rima Melati can rest in peace after fighting with her illness in the past month.

"We as a family apologize, I apologize if during his life he made mistakes, during his life there were shortcomings, we apologize on behalf of the family, please pray for mother to be given space, given a place by the side of God Almighty, thank you," he concluded.

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