
YOGYAKARTA – Antibiotic drugs generally need to be taken according to a doctor's prescription. But if you use herbs and spices that are antibiotic, you can consume them with drinks or daily meals.

According to data reported by Medical News Today, Wednesday, June 22, prescription antibiotics such as penicillin have been helping people recover from fatal illnesses and conditions since the 1940s. Data shows that 1 in 10 people experience side effects that harm the digestive system after taking antibiotics. Plus, data shows 1 in 15 people are allergic to this type of drug. Therefore, there are seven natural and best antibiotics that can be consumed daily.

1. Garlic

Garlic may be an effective spice for medicine since hundreds of years ago, especially against bacteria. Based on the results of a medical review, garlic is a natural antibiotic to prevent infection with Salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Garlic has also been considered for use against multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.

2. Turmeric

A study published in the online journal Multidiciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) in 2021, found the benefits of a number of spices as antibiotics. One of them is turmeric with beneficial content in it. The data table shows that turmeric is a natural antibiotic to fight B. coagulans, S. aureus, and B. subtilis bacteria. Turmeric in the study notes can inhibit the activity of the development of bacteria that cause skin infections such as boils, abscesses, furuncles, and cellulitis.

kunyit antibiotik alami terbaik
Illustration of the best natural antibiotic turmeric (Unsplash/Chinh Le Duc)
3. Honey

Honey has been used since ancient Greece as an ointment to help heal wounds and prevent or eliminate infection. Based on recent studies, healthcare professionals have found that honey can help treat chronic wounds, burns, ulcers, and bedsores. The effectiveness of honey as the best antibiotic is attributed to its hydrogen peroxide content.

4. Ginger

A 2017 study showed ginger's ability to fight many types of bacteria. Ginger is able to ward off free radicals, as well as reduce nausea and help lower blood sugar levels.

5. Cloves

Cloves have traditionally been used in dental procedures. Recent research has found that clove water extract may be effective against a wide variety of bacteria including E. coli and the herpes complex virus.

6. Oregano

In everyday use, oregano is often sprinkled on top of dishes, such as on a pizza tray. As the best natural antibiotic, oregano is believed to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Until now, oregano is also processed into oil.

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