YOGYAKARTA – Many couples have lasting relationships. They don't have many precise recipes, only one thing is certain, they have deep connections. Lasting couples seem to have a secret language that each other can feel or understand.
Some habits form the language of communication of each person from a partner. Generally reported by YourTango, Friday, June 17, they do this habit which marks a healthy relationship communication.
1. Interact positivelyPositive interactions make everyone in a relationship feel better. Positive interactions can improve relationships, even with simple sentences. Like saying 'good morning' or 'what's on the agenda today'. Even when fighting, couples who interact positively both know and can position themselves. So that good communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship.
2. Relationships are built on mutual agreementIt is called intersubjectivity when one person with a related partner prioritizes agreement. In a lasting relationship, everyone needs to base their relationship on agreement. This is also called a partnership relationship so that one person without the other cannot make decisions based on his ego.

Every experience and situation shapes a person's attitude. Therefore, every couple needs to always learn, both about their partner, themselves, and the relationship that exists. To get to know each other, it can be helped by asking questions about yourself and your partner. It also deals with improvement and evaluating the things that need to be changed. Besides also building stronger trust between you and your partner.
4. Have a way of expressing intimacyHaving an intimate relationship, signifies that your partner and you are very connected. This closeness is not just about the bed, but sharing intimate information with each other and making jokes out of each other's names also marks the closeness. Do you have a special call for couples? If you haven't, you can make it by agreement to start building deeper connections.
5. Have a strong commitmentBetrayal is not something that deep-connected partners have. A truly committed relationship involves trust at every level. This includes protecting the needs and boundaries of each paired person.
Those are the five recipes for couples who have a deep connection. Even on a bad day, your partner can make you feel more empowered. Do you have the ingredients above to create a lasting recipe for your relationship with your partner?
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