
YOGYAKARTA – The midlife crisis, also known as the midlife crisis, is experienced by people between the ages of 35 and 65 years. The emergence of the crisis as a period of intersection between youth and old age. The effect is that someone will constantly question their own existence.

For some, this period of crisis causes a person to act out of character in various ways. Such as small changes including appearance, routine, even drastic changes in their personality and beliefs. In this phase, a person faces and re-evaluates self-confidence, identity, achievement, and even death.

The term midlife crisis, was first coined by psychologist, Elliott Jacques, in 1965. This midlife crisis, is caused by a fear of growing old and is triggered by a life-changing event. To identify what happened to your partner, recognize the signs of experiencing a midlife crisis such as the following.

1. Need to find fun and adventure

This first sign is one of the most easily recognized signs of experiencing a midlife crisis. Looking for fun here in various contexts, even if it's in a bad way. Anyone experiencing a midlife crisis can think of finding satisfaction with the unwise. For example, having an affair, quitting work, to shopping until it's all out.

According to Vivian Diller, Ph.D., reported by Brides, Monday, June 13, reflective actions can be taken to prevent change just to get this satisfaction. According to psychologists, the key is to make gradual, measurable changes that are likely to lead to long-term success.

krisis paruh baya, umur, definisi, tanda, dan cara menghadapi
Midlife crisis illustration, age, definition, signs and how to deal with it (iStockphoto)
2. Showing signs of depression

Some people who experience a midlife crisis will experience depression. The effect will affect mood until daily activities and relationships are negatively affected. For example, neglected work, neglected family, and reluctant to greet friends. Symptoms include feeling sad, hopeless, helpless, pessimistic, and losing interest in activities that were once fun. Crisis conditions also affect daily routines, such as messy sleep patterns, unmanaged appetite, and decreased focus.

3. Questioning things that have long been believed

While it's healthy to explore new opportunities, making a 180-degree change can be problematic. Even so, exploring and experimenting is not a bad thing. But it needs to be realized and done deliberately so that it does not interfere with daily activities.

4. Expressing anger and blame

When they are against their feelings and angry about it, your partner may be going through a midlife crisis. In such cases, they may try to limit their attention and take it for granted. In external relationships, the midlife crisis causes a person to blame others more often and become irritable.

5. Making confusing decisions

Indecision makes a person make two kinds of decisions, the first is a decision that is not a solution and the second, makes other people around him feel frustrated. In the life of a couple, instead of making impulsive decisions, it is better to analyze what causes unhappiness when experiencing a midlife crisis.

6. Withdraw

Harmony in the life of a couple is built by two committed parties. If one of them withdraws, then the relationship can be threatened. A common symptom of a midlife crisis, it can be recognized when a partner withdraws both physically and emotionally. They start working at odd hours, no longer paying enough attention, until they turn cold.

Before accusing each other and worsening the crisis, expert advice is better to rebuild trust and provide support to the couple.

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