
JAKARTA - Success does not only belong to people who are old, there are many young people who have a myriad of achievements and even become successful entrepreneurs before stepping on three heads. In the midst of various successes that some people feel, is it natural for someone to want to live an ordinary life?

Psychologist Rininda Mutia from the Indonesian Association of Clinical Psychologists said there is nothing wrong with people who want to have an ordinary life, because the definition of success varies. "Because each person's values and needs are different," a psychologist from Atma Jaya University told ANTARA as reported by VOI, Friday, May 27.

Success is defined differently by each person, depending on individual needs. People who have a need for achievement want to have good grades in school and a good position in the office.

There are also people who are concerned with interacting with other people, it is better to have many friends than good grades. There are also those who are born with a need for power, a desire to be a leader.

Therefore, individual success can be interpreted differently. For people who want a stable life, a normal life is the result of success. On the other hand, there are people who think stable life is boring and want life to be more challenging like a roller coaster.

"So, this is why we cannot compare one person to another. We cannot say he is successful and he is not successful," said Rininda.

He does not deny that there are unwritten standards in society regarding the criteria for success, ranging from getting into the best schools, graduating with good grades, entering your favorite university, working in certain companies, having a nice house and having material wealth of great value. However, it does not mean that one has to follow these "rules" if it turns out that these values are contrary to the individual's self.

"It's important to know ourselves. What are my needs? What are my values? Am I living my life according to my desires and values?" Therefore, he advises each individual to focus on their own strengths and accept their own weaknesses.

For example, a child is good at language and not good at math. So, develop yourself in the field you have mastered or the talent you have so that the results are extraordinary.

By recognizing strengths and weaknesses, a person can improve their weaknesses little by little but focus more on improving what their strengths are so that it is easier to achieve success on that path.

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