
JAKARTA - The trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard resumed on Monday, May 16. The trial featured some new evidence and testimony from Heard as a defendant.

Depp's attorney Camille Vasquez claims Amber Heard edited photos of evidence of violence by Depp. Heard denied Vasquez's claims and did not change any of the photos.

“Did you really edit these photos? Aren't you increasing the saturation of this photo to make your face look red?” asked Camille Vasquez.

"No. I never edit photos. That is not true. I didn't edit it," replied Amber Heard.

Instead, Amber Heard said she took photos in different lighting. One photo was taken during the day and the other at night.

“You sat in the courtroom while Officer Zeins watched you. He said he didn't see a single wound on your face," Vasquez said.

New testimony comes from Amber Heard's former friend. He said Johnny Depp once said he was ready to hit his wife shortly after the wedding.

"I was walking with Johnny and congratulating him," said Tillet Wright, writer and best man on Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's wedding. He was surprised after Depp said the following.

“We are married. I could punch (Amber Heard) in the face and no one could do anything about it," Johnny Depp said as described by Wright.

Tillett Wright also claimed to have seen Depp and Heard fight but not to get into a physical fight. Even so, Wright said his friendship with Heard had ended a long time ago.

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