
YOGYAKARTA – The behavior of cats, for lovers of these cute furry animals, is considered mysterious. Because almost every cat likes to sleep, loves to be petted, and leaves when they've had enough. Even more mysterious, cats like to ndusel or poke laptops when you are active in front of the portable computer.

There's nothing wrong with a cat sitting on a laptop. But what often invites trouble is when you are at work and are prone to making mistakes because of the cat's behavior. Calm down, according to Marilyn Krieger, a certified cat behavior consultant reported by Reader's Digest, Friday, May 13, the behavior of a cat who crammed a laptop is not the same as his preference for cardboard.

“A lot of cats cuddle in places like keyboards and laptops because they are near their favorite people and can be the center of attention,” explains Krieger, author of Naughty No More: Changing Unwanted Behaviors Through Positive Reinforcement.

Usually, people or cat owners reinforce behavior by petting or talking to them. Cats quickly learn that when they sit at the keyboard, they get the attention they want.

kenapa kucing suka duduk di atas laptop
Illustration of why cats like to sit on laptops (Pexels/João Jesus)

Some people think that cats are also attracted to laptops because of their warm engine. It's no secret that cats like warmer things than we do. The temperature range that a cat needs without expending energy to cool or warm itself is 29.4-37.7 degrees Celsius. That is why they can sleep in the thermoneutral zone, including sleeping in the sun when it needs it.

However, from the assumptions above, it is likely that the cat sleeps near the laptop for other reasons. If a cat rubs his face on your laptop, he's doing it out of possessiveness. By rubbing their faces, they transfer their scent to the object. This is a cat's way of marking its territory.

Krieger suggests that if your cat's love of laptops is bothering you, take precautions that your cat doesn't hate.

"You can break the habit by giving your cat a comfortable and desirable place to settle down next to you while simultaneously reinforcing and rewarding him with love and attention when the cat sits or lies down," Krieger says.

Another way so as not to harm the laptop screen from cat scratches, you can buy a toy laptop for cats. Well, if this method fails, try to train the cat to sit elsewhere while still paying attention to it.

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