
YOGYAKARTA – Your favorite cat at home has shed tears, this condition is certainly important to know the cause. Many lovers of this furry animal think cats can express their emotions by crying. But it turns out that when a cat's eyes water it is not related to sadness or emotional conditions.

According to Fanny Syufy, an expert who often writes about anatomy and is experienced in cat medical conditions, it is true that cats' eyes sometimes water. They also have emotions that are expressed by behavior.

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Illustration of whether a cat is crying (Pexels/Hazan Akoz Isik)

Based on the findings of researchers reported by The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, May 11, cats can read human facial expressions. Anabul also experiences various feelings about humans and other animals. The way cats express their feelings is by purring, rubbing, playing. Sometimes they also lose their appetite, withdraw, and are less energetic. Meanwhile, when angry, cats can hiss, arch their backs, growl, or claw at people or other animals.

Researchers also explain that the only animals that cry in relation to emotional states or pain are humans. This means that the cat is not crying. But when his eyes water, then it has something to do with a medical condition.

Medical conditions that cause watery cat eyes include dust irritants, other cats' scratches, respiratory infections, or blocked tear ducts. Watery cat eyes can also be due to allergies. Another reason is that cats with round heads tend to cry.

So even if cats have emotions, such as grieving or depression, they will never shed a tear to express those feelings. If you are concerned about your pet's emotions, look for other signs such as lethargy, withdrawal, or disinterest in food.

These problems can also be a sign of disease. This means that cats need attention, both medical and behavioral attention to ensure that your beloved pet cat remains healthy and happy.

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