
JAKARTA - Risty Tagor is closely related to the world of acting. Since childhood, he has starred in dozens of soap operas and films. Armed with a myriad of experiences, in fact he never ceases to be satisfied.

This year, the woman who was born on April 12 released a mini album titled When Rindu. This religious album was produced by Ade Govinda and the lyrics were written by his mother, Tjut Mutia, who is good at writing poetry.

"The feeling after releasing the mini album When Rindu was very happy, yes, because it is possible to achieve the dreams and plans that I want to do in 2022 and Alhamdulillah it has been very well done," said Risty Tagor, starting the conversation.

According to Risty Tagor, the album When Rindu is the most serious music project he has ever made. The reason is, he experienced many obstacles when releasing his first album in 2015. He also felt that there were many reasons to show his singing ability through this latest work.

"My name is Ariestia Ramadhany, so I was born in the month of Ramadan and indeed this is the first time I have felt my birthday after my birthday. Maybe when I was little, but I don't remember, so when I'm an adult, it's a birthday during Ramadan, right now," he explained.

Risty Tagor (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

"Previously I made a 10-song album with the title Mama in 2015 and when we talk about it, the album was released but it didn't work because I was sick," said this 33-year-old woman.

Obstructed by conditions, Risty Tagor is determined to promote his album like a singer. Fortunately, the plan was realized this year. It is known that Risty Tagor released the album When Rindu offline and the song was played simultaneously on all Indonesian radios.

“I was really curious what the music world was like and actually I did a duet with my best friend named Echa Ayunda. We've recorded several songs but God didn't want them to be recorded as recording studios, the stages are always the recording studio suddenly doesn't work anymore,” said Risty Tagor.

“So I thought, 'Why is it so difficult for me in the music world' but I didn't give up. I found the answer in 2021 actually not because I wanted to release a single but because of YouTube," he said.

Risty Tagor who wants to focus on YouTube was advised that he should qualify. He also started to be productive by creating content from culinary to cinema. But among all content, music is the most watched video.

Risty Tagor (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Throughout the conversation, Risty Tagor did not stop saying that his mother was the biggest role in his singing career. Tjut Mutia who also wrote Risty's songs was very supportive of the child's singing.

Ade Govinda as the producer also really helped Risty Tagor from production to release. The album will begin at the end of 2021 and be completed in March before being released this month.

"I hope that by singing I can add to the spirit of the beautiful month of Ramadan, the month that is awaited so that he wants to be passionate about loving Allah and the Messenger of Allah," he said.

"If you say mama, yes... all I can say is everything. Mama really can't be explained in detail, but it's pure love," said Risty Tagor, shining.

In 2015, my mother also composed a number of songs for Risty but the songs went well in terms of promotion because Risty Tagor was sick.

"I feel like the mother's song was made with the heart so I just want to hear it and want to cry. I once performed it in Karawang, Bandung, it was all (audience) like everyone wanted to hold back tears but kept crying. Because all humans are born from a mother," said Risty Tagor.

“When I launched the album, my mother cried when I sang Mama's song. If something as simple as that mom can be happy, why don't I do that," he said.

Focus with Closest People
Risty Tagor (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

It is undeniable, Risty Tagor is also widely discussed because of his household life. The three marriages he went through had taught him a lot. But he didn't want to explain anything to anyone.

“I personally realize it's a risk from the job I have. People who work but people will like to look for the bad side, the disgrace, or the ugly even though it is slander. But if I think it's a challenge, let's keep working,” explained Risty Tagor.

“By focusing on my work, my projects, I don't care about people who want to interfere. Sometimes they feel they know better," he continued.

Risty Tagor (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Risty Tagor also had time to see the news that said that he would open the hijab. This made him sad but he began to contemplate and did not want to disturb anyone.

“I realized that life is surrounded by trials. If we want to go to heaven, we are indeed surrounded by trials. If we don't want to, then we don't have to live. Carry on with all of God's extraordinary processes, plans, and scenarios," said the Pocong 2 actor.

"I've gone through the clarification process but instead it only made the fire burn bigger, longer and longer. I tried to divert it but I couldn't in the end, it's up to God. Trust God who has this heart, God who strengthens, God who takes care," he said.

Risty Tagor (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Starting in 2022, Risty Tagor prefers to focus on promoting the album When Rindu. He also prioritizes the feelings of his family and those closest to him than dealing with public talk that often hurts his heart.

"I'm a public figure. I know that they are rumored to be slandered, but my family sometimes feels more sick than me so my job now to deal with uncomfortable conversations is to calm them down instead of calming myself,” said Risty Tagor.

The album When Rindu did not stop Risty Tagor from realizing his dream. Now he is ready to be serious in the world of singing and preaching through his songs.

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