
JAKARTA - Indonesian actress and singer Ayushita said self-reflection is one of the important things in the process of achieving goals and dreams.

"For me, it is important to look at ourselves first, to know ourselves, before finally being confident in reaching our dreams," Ayushita said, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, 14 paril.

He added, the pandemic was a time for him to sit still and look at himself and then get back up and work.

Furthermore, the player character Murni in "Just Mom" (2021) revealed, as a child, he had a "dream book" or a book where he wrote down his dreams.

According to him, the book helped him and then he tried to manifest in the future. Another thing that Ayushita mentioned is important in achieving her goals is the courage and mindset that life is not a competition.

"When we look at the success of both women and men, regardless of age, young or old, in the end it's not a competition or a benchmark because everyone has their own strengths," said Ayushita.

"In pursuing a dream, be brave and have an attitude that is in harmony with what we like and (willing to proceed) in trial and error in life. There are salts and acids of life. As humans, don't be discouraged when you have intuition in pursuing something," he added.

The role of Dea in the film "Cerita Kejar Dreams The Movie" (2022) continued, even the closest people can be an inspiration in the process of achieving goals. "Even today's generation has its own heroes," he said.

Ayushita then shared her challenges in working during the pandemic. According to him, although positive cases of COVID-19 tend to decrease and mobility restrictions have begun to be relaxed, it is important to remember that the pandemic is not over.

"As film players, (when shooting) we don't wear masks. However, when off cam, I realized that the pandemic is not over yet. We must be aware so that we can continue to be productive at work. This is an effort so that we are all healthy," said Ayushita.

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