JAKARTA - The couple Chelsea Olivia and Glenn Alinskie have just returned to Jakarta after living in Bali for four months. It is known that they moved temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic that had spread.
However, Chelsea was surprised after seeing the condition of her house. It turned out that the house she had left for four months was now damaged and collapsed. She shared this through her social media on Wednesday, April 13.
"I really want to cry. 4 months in Bali and finally I want to go home (I'm happy) today is an appointment to clean one house because there is no housemaid. And when I opened my house collapsed", wrote Chelsea Olivia.
She was also surprised to see that some of her favorite items were also damaged, including branded sandals lining the steps of the house. It looks like the sandals are moldy and some parts are broken.
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However, Chelsea Olivia and Glenn were grateful because they immediately received help from their friends. They were also lucky because no family was at home when the incident took place.
"Trials come at any time. But God is good, really, our family (especially the children) were not at home when the incident happened", she continued.
"I'm sick of my favorite moldy sandal. Okay, it's time to go home. Cleaning the house", she said.
Now, Chelsea Olivia and Glenn Alinskie are repairing some parts of the house such as the ceiling and furniture.
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