
YOGYAKARTA – When fasting, you need to take care of your health. One of them is by carrying out eating habits that are in accordance with the conditions after the stomach is empty from dawn to breaking time. What you need to avoid are habits that can make your health drop related to diet.

1. Iftar with fatty and oily food

Launching the British Nutrition Foundation, Wednesday, April 6, during fasting hours without eating and drinking, the body uses stored carbohydrates and fats as an energy source. These savings can be obtained when you break your fast and eat sahur for the next day's fast.

But eating fatty and oily foods is not good if you get used to it when fasting. Fatty and oily foods require extra work on the digestive system. Sometimes if too much makes diarrhea or stomach discomfort.

kebiasaan makan yang perlu dihindari saat puasa
Illustration of eating habits that need to be avoided while fasting (iStockphoto)
2. Eating too many carbohydrates at suhoor

The intention is to fast, but eating too many carbohydrates at dawn can trigger health problems. The reason is, carbohydrates turn into sugar and are used as a source of energy during fasting. However, lots of carbohydrates cause insulin spikes and weight gain. Even eating a lot of carbohydrates can trigger stomach acid, you know.

So it is advisable to consume complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are found in high-fiber vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes.

3. Drink caffeine at the wrong time

Not when breaking the fast or sahur, drinking coffee or other types of caffeine drinks can be after breaking the fast with a gap of several hours. But take into account the time to sleep, because caffeine can make sleep hours so backwards.

4. Sleep after a big meal

As dangerous as eating a lot of carbohydrates, after a big meal is not good if you immediately lie down to sleep. After a large meal, digestion works to digest food. This needs to be helped to keep the body moving so as not to trigger excessive stomach acid production.

5. Drink sweet with artificial sweetener

Iftar with a sweet one is indeed done to give the body a source of energy after a day of not getting food. But you need to sort out which sweeteners are good for health. Drinks or sweet foods, choose natural sweeteners such as fruit, honey, and sugar cane. Don't forget to keep measuring the portions, because sweet foods make you want to eat more.

Are there any of the five points above are your eating habits during fasting? Slowly, change your healthy diet to support your overall health.

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