
JAKARTA - In the film Towards Maghrib, Novia Bachmid plays Nina who is a person with mental disorders (ODGJ). Nina was followed by an ancestor who wanted to convey a message to today's young people to take care of each other, protect the environment, natural ecosystems.

Novia's first experience of acting was very memorable. Unlike challenges in music that have to take part in several talent search events, Novia gets the opportunity to act relatively smoothly.

"At first, I was offered the offer to participate in the casting. Participating in the casting continued to come to Mas Helfi Kardit's office (director) and continued to cast Ms. Yannie, one of the producers was also nearing sunset. And there, thank God, I was chosen," he recalls.

Not immediately got the main role, Novia had to try some characters that were right for her. "I tried several characters as Nina and as Talia. Then it seems that Talia is also suitable, but Nina seems to be more suitable like that and it's a bit difficult to choose Nina's character. It's difficult. And finally Novia was chosen," he explained.

Novia's first experience of acting was very memorable. Unlike challenges in music that have to take part in several talent search events, Novia gets the opportunity to act relatively smoothly.

"At first, I was offered the offer to participate in the casting. Participating in the casting continued to come to Mas Helfi Kardit's office (director) and continued to cast Ms. Yannie, one of the producers was also nearing sunset. And there, thank God, I was chosen," he recalls.

Novia liked the story of the film Towards Maghrib even though it was doubted by her friends. It's nothing, they are worried that Novia will have to act hard to become ODGJ.

"My friend said, 'How dare you take a film with such strong characters, meaning it's really out of the box, not really Novia and you really make a very ODGJ here, it's really bad, then ghosts like that and shooting isn't that easy either'. But that's what I really want because I want to try something new where I've never tried it like I want to feel what it's like to act in this character," he explained.

Novia proves her friends' worries didn't happen. She successfully played the character Nina.

"Incredible. Hearing the response of the people at the premiere, they were astonished. "Nov is crazy about acting" and then I said "Why?" "As Nina, it looks really bad," they were also surprised that there were a lot of jumpscares, because maybe it was from my gaze, from my creepy movements. It was really good," said Novia Bachmid during a virtual chat with VOI some time ago.

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