
JAKARTA - Cut Mini, Marsha Timothy, Prilly Latuconsina, and Shenina Cinnamon have been named as Ambassadors of the 2022 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI). These four actresses symbolize FFI's theme, namely Women: Citra, Karya & Karsa.

The theme chosen is a manifestation of the magnitude of women in building the Indonesian ecosystem. In addition, the four women selected were FFI nominees and winners in different years.

"They will carry out their duties as spokespersons to report on the FFI program this year and of course often meet with media partners," said Reza Rahadian, Chairman of the FFI Committee on Wednesday, March 30.

Shenina Cinnamon represents Women as roles in the global cinema realm. He succeeded in bringing Indonesian cinema to the world through his role in the film Copying Cahaya.

“I hope the film industry starts to expand and gives women the opportunity to participate in it because this is not a space for a specific gender,” said Shenina Cinnamon.

Cut Mini, which has starred in dozens of film titles, represents Citra, a portrait of Indonesian women from time to time. According to him, many women have been involved in the industry but are still not in the spotlight.

"The woman is not only a sweetener in the film but also takes part and brings the work that is shown to the people of Indonesia," said Cut Mini.

Prilly Latuconsina represents Karya as the female role behind the film screen. He made his debut as a producer through the film Kukira Kau Rumah, which was released this year.

"There are so many women who contribute, dare to work and lead productions that inspire young people," said Prilly Latuconsina.

In addition, there is Marsha Timothy who represents Karsa as a form of safe space for women in the film industry.

“A safe space for women in cinema should be like a true friend. Listening, sharing feelings, without fear of being judged, can give you peace of mind,” said Marsha Timothy.

At the same time, the committee also announced that registration for FFI 2022 is open from today until August 31, 2022 for the Feature Feature Film category and September 15, 2022 for the Non Feature Film category.

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