
JAKARTA – Forming habits takes time. It's not easy, but you can start with simple habits so that when you're on the move, you'll be more organized. According to Alice Boyes, Ph.D., there are habits that are simple, uncomplicated, and have significant benefits.

These habits help you organize your life, in a more specific sense of organizing every daily activity so that it doesn't fall apart. Here's what you need to get used to, quoting from Psychology Today, Friday, March 25.

1. Take a photo every time you receive an important document

Documenting important items, need to get used to it. The reason is to make it easier for you to find when you need a time. For example, such as documenting important letters, office assignments, email addresses, appointment times. These notes will help you. Make folders so that they are easier to access and search for. As much as possible, store it in a location that is freely accessible at any time.

2. Schedule regular health checks every year

Things that are rarely taken into account for those of you who are busy are health checks. Even though the body feels fit, don't let the unexpected things related to health make you have to leave important activities. Health is also the capital for a happy life, you know. This means making it a habit to have a health check every year so you know what to change from your diet and lifestyle that affects your body.

3. Put things in the same place

One of those small, simple, but crucial items, is the key. Keys are often hard to find. Many have a place to put the keys when at home. For example, a hanger near the door, a bowl on the center table, or a pocket in a locker. This is done to make it easier to find when needed. But when you travel and stay in hotels, don't let your time be wasted by forgetting to put your key. In addition to keys, place valuables in a place that is easy to remember or see.

4. Make a list of routines as a reminder

Again because of forgetting, activities that have been planned can be dispersed. According to a study cited by Boyes, showing that a simple checklist is a good tool for self-regulation. A simple checklist lists what routines you plan to do. This can help each activity be more organized and nothing is forgotten.

5. Greet the closest people

Both office colleagues and beloved partners, make it a habit to greet him with great attention. According to a study by John Gottman, daily 'reunions' are key moments for overall relationship health.

Close Boyes, the simple habit above is very effective. Because research shows that what we do affects the way we think.

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