
JAKARTA - The film Towards Maghrib is scheduled to be released in theaters starting March 31. Novia Bachmid's acting debut is eagerly awaited because it not only offers horror stories but also the psychology of people with mental disorders (ODGJ).

"I am very happy because this film is not only a scary horror. But it also raises cultural and superstitious issues that are often associated with ODGJ. Hopefully the audience can take moral messages related to supernatural phenomena that occur in society," said Novia Bachmid at the film's premiere ahead of the film's premiere. Maghrib at Epicentrum, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday, March 24.

The story of this film tells the story of Nina who gets a lot of mystical terrors while suffering from mental illness. Her body and mind can be controlled during the day, but when the sun dims, Nina seems to be in a trance and has to be shackled in a bamboo house with a ground floor.

When she heard the call to prayer, Nina calmed down again. The whole night had to be shackled so as not to make her grandmother worried.

His condition then attracted the interest of psychology students from Jakarta to conduct thesis research and documentary films. During filming various strange events occurred. The mystical terrors were felt by the students.

This film, directed by Helfi Kardit, is inspired by a true story. "This is a story about being inspired by my little friend in the village. When I came home, I saw that he had to be put in pasung. Strangely, even though he is considered to have a mental disorder, his knowledge of nature is very good. It surpasses our knowledge at school," said Helfi.

He hopes that the audience of the film Meward Magrib will have a greater tolerance for ODGJ. "Hopefully there will be freedom for people with ODGJ, there is no need to be put in shackles which robs them of their human rights. We who feel normal should be able to understand better," Helfi said.

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