
JAKARTA – The month of Ramadan will soon arrive. So that you don't have to worry, you can pay in installments ahead of time. So, you can buy groceries for fasting stock. In order to stay frugal, the list of foods can be sorted by the most important first. Here to prepare for fasting, you can shop for the list of foodstuffs below.

1. Rice

There are various kinds of rice that are generally consumed, including white rice, brown rice, glutinous rice, and brown rice. Well, from the types, you can buy rice stocks according to your diet. If you are on a diet or minimizing the glycemic index of rice, brown rice and brown rice can be an alternative.

2. Kitchen seasoning

Various kinds of spices, it's a good idea to make a list. To make installments ahead of time, you should first buy durable kitchen spices. Such as coriander, candlenut, nutmeg, cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and laos.

bahan makanan untuk stok ramadan
Illustration of food ingredients for Ramadan fasting stock (Pexels/Meruyert Gonullu)

In addition, you can add salt and sugar to this list of durable foodstuffs. Meanwhile, kitchen ingredients such as shallots, garlic, onions, and chilies can be purchased near the first fasting day.

3. Honey

Honey has a myriad of benefits in maintaining health. When fasting, you and your family must stock up on honey because it contains vitamin E, vitamin C, amino acids, iron, flavonoids, and is anti-oxidant. Honey also helps keep the body fit during fasting.

4. Nuts

Peanuts are foods that contain vegetable protein. Nuts also help keep the body in shape. Well, what you can buy in installments from now on includes the types of green beans, walnuts, and peanuts.

5. Cooking oil

Because the price of palm oil is skyrocketing, you can monitor the price long before entering Ramadan. However, if the need is urgent, it cannot be denied. Therefore, you can consider alternative cooking oil. Such as coconut oil, sesame oil, canola oil, to ghee.

In addition to the five lists above, you can save more eating canned foods. For example sardines, peas, and corned beef. For additional stock, you can also complete with noodles, pasta, nuggets, and sausages.

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