
JAKARTA - Based on the results of health research, rose water also has antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral effects. The advantages of rose water also provide a refreshing effect because it has a distinctive aroma.

The content that makes rose water has many benefits for health and of course beauty. Here are the benefits of rose water for beauty.

Relieves Skin Inflammation

Rose water contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation on the skin. How to use it is to pour enough on a cotton swab or can be poured directly into the hands and pat on the inflamed skin.

Reduce Acne

Rose water is believed to be able to restore the pH balance of the skin so that it can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause acne. Usually rose water is used as a toner and you need to pay attention to facial hygiene before using rose water toner.

Moisturizing Skin

One of the benefits of rose water for the face is to moisturize the skin. These benefits can prevent dry skin and hydrate the skin. You can pour rose water into a bottle and spray it all over your face so that it absorbs into your skin.

Preventing Premature Aging

Rose water is known for its ability to help prevent and treat premature aging. Rose ingredients are usually found in skincare products that aim to reduce wrinkles. But to get maximum results you need to use it regularly.

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