
JAKARTA – Everyone's sensitivity to touch is different. There are people who are easily tickled after receiving a touch on their skin, there are also those who can handle it. Generally, in men and women, tingling is felt when receiving touch at certain points of the body, such as the neck, waist, and thighs. So does this reduce the fun of foreplay when couples make love?

Quoting Love and Stand Together, Wednesday, March 16, tickling can be triggered by sensitive nerve endings. Other triggers include reflexes, habits, fear of intimacy, lack of trust, irritability, and lack of positive sex education. However, these triggers are theoretical. So everyone has different preferences. So, so that the 'warm-up' session in making love is still fun, if your partner is amused, here's the trick.

1. Anticipating the sensation

To overcome the tickle, the ticklish partner can place their hand over the hand that provides the touch. This method is effective in anticipating surprises and allows the brain to predict touch.

pasangan geli saat foreplay
Illustration of a couple amused to the touch during foreplay (Unsplash/Sharon McCutcheon)
2. Eliminate tickling gerakan

Before eliminating the tingling sensation in your sexual activity with a partner, make sure the body points are sensitive when touched. Avoid touching this point, or you can give an introduction and ask your partner if it's okay to place your hands without repetitive motions on areas of your body that are easily tickled.

If you can't find agreement, you can eliminate tickling to increase the sensation of pleasure. Couples can trade for other moves that increase arousal.

3. Dig deeper into the cause of tickling

You and your partner need to recognize all things related to the body as fundamental to practicing positive sex. This means that you and your partner need to take care of each other so that they can build feelings of security.

4. Build a safe moment

Being trusted by your partner is important for building relationships. Especially in the realm of intimacy, you need to make sure that your partner feels safe with you. If you are tickled at a certain point or movement, you and your partner can explore other points or movements.

5. Give it a safe touch

Agreement needs to be built when your partner feels ticklish when you get a touch in one part of the body, such as the feet. It means letting your partner know that you don't want him to feel uncomfortable. Then, when you accidentally tickle, say "I'm sorry" and continue the loving touch where it's not ticklish.

That's the trick to keep foreplay fun when your partner is easily tickled. Also get used to communicating positive sex so that trust, intimacy, and harmonious relationships are built.

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