
JAKARTA - The condition of stress eating cannot be underestimated, even though it does look harmless. However, it can be harmful to health, namely causing obesity. If often left unchecked, the body will store too many calories so that weight is difficult to control.

This unhealthy diet can lead to other diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. Then, how to deal with stress eating? Here are some ways to deal with it, launches Psycom, Wednesday, March 16.

Identify stress triggers

Identify the causes that make you stress eating. If you already know, you can take steps to avoid it or at least find out what the problem is.

Reduce stress by exercising

If you are physically fit, you are more resistant to the effects of stress. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that reduce stress, but unfortunately, stress alone can make some people feel lazy to exercise. If busyness makes it difficult for you to go to the gym or even do small exercises at home, try increasing the amount of walking, gardening, house cleaning, or other light exercise you can do. The point is, keep moving.

Eat nutritious food

Try to eat healthy and low-calorie foods when stress eating hits. If you choose healthy foods that are high in fiber, protein and healthy fats, they will keep you full longer.

Improve mindfulness practice

Meditation, yoga, tai chi, and exercises that focus on mindfulness can help calm your mind and body. When you're mindful, calm, and focused, you're better able to make smarter, healthier lifestyle choices.

Set Meal Schedule

Keep in mind "Eating is a Necessity not a Want", if you always remember this sentence, over time you will get used to it and be controlled. Try to eat regularly three times a day, including when you are stressed.

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