
JAKARTA - In the 1920s, physical trainer Joseph Pilates introduced Pilates to America as a way to help injured athletes and dancers return to exercise and maintain their fitness. Since then, Pilates began to be known and slowly practiced according to the needs of the general public.

Pilates can be a form of aerobic and non-aerobic exercise. This requires concentration and focus, as you need to move your body with the right movements. Pilates serves to lengthen and stretch all the major muscle groups in the body in a balanced way.

It takes concentration to find a central point to control your body through movement. Each exercise has a defined placement, rhythm, and breathing pattern.

In Pilates, the muscles are not overworked so there is no sweat or tension, only intense concentration is required. This exercise consists of various sequences of exercises performed in low repetitions, usually five to ten times, over 45 to 90 minute sessions. Yoga mats or special equipment for resistance training are needed in Pilates.

The Pilates method taught, tailored to the needs of each person. Exercises are regularly re-evaluated to make sure the movements are appropriate or not. Because attention is paid to the individual, this method is suitable for everyone from elite athletes to people with limited mobility, pregnant women, and people with low fitness levels.

Adapting to Better Health, Monday, March 14, here are the health benefits of doing Pilates regularly.

Increases flexibility Increases strength and muscles, especially the abdominal, lower back, hips, and buttocks muscles (core muscles of the body) Creates balanced muscle strength on both sides of the body Improves control of back and limb muscles Improves spine stability Promotes better posture Rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances Improve coordination and physical balance Relax the shoulders, neck and upper back Safe rehabilitation for joint and spine injuries Prevention of musculoskeletal injuries Increase lung capacity and circulation through deep breathing techniques Increase concentration Increase body awareness stress management and relaxation.

Pilates can be done by everyone, from beginners to advanced. You can practice piltaes with or without assistive devices.

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